The designated mobilization and training station for the division was Fort Riley, KS. A unit was developed called an Armed Watch which guarded the area against attacks from savages, pirates and hostile forces. Do you want to create your own battlefield tour to sights of wars from the past? 2010 – Present: The 102nd continues to add to it’s Valor and Honor as it serves it’s country today in the war on global terror. Regimental designation is used only in historical tradition. The headquarters was organized on 2 September 1921 at 3d and Olive Streets in St. Louis, and relocated in 1923 to the Old Customhouse. It never came. To encourage esprit de corps, the division adopted the nickname “Ozark” after the mountainous region that ran through both home area st… Or are you interested in war medals and their recipients? When the first soldiers arrived at the barn, the two came crawling out from under the dead and burning bodies. Detachment 3. In the 1920s and 1930s Harry S. Truman, a lieutenant colonel in the Officers' Reserve Corps, commanded the division's 1st Battalion, 379th Field Artillery Regiment. They elected Shapos Staples as their commander. All visitors MUST wear a mask, provide contact information and stay socially distant while in the museum. Some personel were sent to Korea but most served in Germany. On 26 October, elements attached to other divisions entered combat and on 3 November the division assumed responsibility for the sector from the Wurm to Waurichen. After digging the graves and burying the bodies, they erected a cross or a Star of David over each grave and enclosed the site with a white fence.[5]. By this time New Haven Grays served in a variety of units such as the 27th Connecticut, which fought bravely at Gettysburg. Three Brigade Headquarters were activated and Infantry units were reorganized into battalions: Two additional Battle Groups were also formed: The division and subordinate elements were inactivated on 31 December 1965. Inactivated 1 June 1946 at Bayreuth, Germany. They trained for a year at Camp Picket ,Virginia. From this period until the outbreak of the Civil War the Grays were called upon to restore unrest in the city. Storkau experienced fighting on the 16th, EHRA on the 21st along with Fallersleben. 102nd Infantry Regiment History 1639: The102 nd Infantry Regiment traces its roots back to the days of the New Haven Plantation of the British Empire. Inactivated 11 May 1959 at Kansas City, concurrently, Headquarters and Headquarters Company consolidated with Headquarters and Headquarters Company Headquarters. The HQ and staff usually trained at Fort Leavenworth, KS. Subordinate units. The Battle Group was activated 1 June 1959 with headquarters at Kansas City, Missouri. Looking for reliable information or news facts about WW2? The Civil War Archive section, 102nd Regiment Infantry, (accessed 20 September 2012). Activated 31 October 1946 with headquarters at Minneapolis, Minnesota. 4 April 1945: XIII Corps, Ninth Army, 12th Army Group. The unit is currently active as the 102nd Training Division (Maneuver Support). Stand Forth! In 1955, the unit was called to duty to assist with the floods of 1955. Then the unit was ordered to travel to North Carolina to take part in the 3rd Army Maneuvers, “Operation Southern Pines”. In 1921, the 102nd Infantry Regiment, from Connecticut, was replaced by the 182nd Infantry Regiment. After a period of aggressive patrolling along the Roer, 4–19 December, the division took over the XIII Corps sector from the Wurm River, north of the village of Wurm, to Barmen on the south, and trained for river crossing. On 1 April 1963, the division was reorganized as a Reorganization Objective Army Division (ROAD). 102nd INFANTRY DIVISION - Ozark. A unit was developed called an Armed Watch which guarded the area against attacks from savages, pirates and hostile forces. Bates' Regimental History & Company Rosters. 102nd Infantry Division World War II Missing in Action There are 37 soldiers of the 102nd Infantry Division World War II still listed as missing in action. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin [edit | edit source] Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. Crossing the river on 9 April on pontoon bridge, the division attacked in the Wesergebirge, meeting stiff opposition. 1st Battalion, 102nd Infantry Regiment U.S. Army. Philadelphia Inquirer- May 10, 1862 List of Killed and Wounded at Williamsburg 102nd PA Regiment Organization, Service & Battles. After 3 days and nights of terrific enemy resistance Wilsede and Hessisch-Oldendorf fell, 12 April 1945, and the 102d pushed on to the Elbe, meeting little resistance. 119, dated 8 July 1942, HQ, 38th Infantry Regiment, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Subject: Cadre Personnel for New Divisions, designated those individuals who would form the cadre of the 102nd. Activated 3 January 1947 with headquarters at Kansas City, Missouri. The lineage of the 102d Division is perpetuated by the 102d Training Division.[7]. [2] The HQ remained there until activated for World War II. Term: 2015 - 2019. The 102nd Infantry Division arrived at Cherbourg, France, 23 September 1944, and, after a short period of training near Valognes, moved to the German-Netherlands border. On 23 February 1945, the 102d attacked across the Roer (Operation Grenade), advanced toward Lövenich and Erkelenz, bypassed Mönchengladbach, took Krefeld, 3 March, and reached the Rhine. The Battle Group was activated 1 June 1959 with headquarters at St. Louis, Missouri. 102nd PA Regiment Newspaper Transcription. Inactivated 31 December 1965 at St. Louis, Missouri. Closed to the public from December 21st 2020 to February 26th 2021. The headquarters was organized on 2 September 1921 at 3d and Olive Streets in St. Louis, and relocated in 1923 to the Old Customhouse. However, two men survived, buried under a shield of dead bodies, protecting them from the gunfire and flames. From the left side of the monument: July 1. Inactivated 16 March 1946 at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. 102nd PA Regiment Soldier Biographies. They were assigned to Christmas Island in the Pacific expecting a Japanese invasion. (Yale Medical students – chasing citizens around Fair Haven), 1861: The Grays were called to enlist for 90 days as part of the second Connecticut Infantry. 102nd Illinois Infantry Regiment History Adjutant General's Report. 102nd Ohio Regiment Infantry Online Books 102nd Ohio Infantry Soldier Roster - Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Volume 7, by Ohio Roster Commission (Joseph B. Foraker, Governor, James S. Robinson, Sec'y of State and H. A. Axline, Adjutant-General), 1886 View Entire Book The Battle Group was activated 1 June 1959 with headquarters at Quincy, Illinois. The division's three infantry regiments were inactivated and their elements reorganized into five infantry battle groups. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 Do you want to create your own battlefield tour to sights of wars from the past? On 3 May 1945 the 102nd shook hands with the Russian 156th Division just outside Berlin. Captain Benedict Arnold led the unit from New Haven and it fought in many engagements during the Revolutionary War. The barn was then set afire, killing those inside. Organization; Organized at Pittsburg August, 1861. 102nd Infantry Regiment Unit Crest (Stand Forth) are worn by the 102nd Infantry Regiment. In 1923, the 103rd Infantry Regiment, from Maine, was replaced with the 181st Infantry… With the onset of COVID-19 there has been a sharp decrease in visitors and donations at the museum. Activated 19 May 1947 at St. Louis, Missouri. The 102nd Infantry Division served for 173 days in Combat in the European African Middle Eastern Theater; during this time they served in the campaigns of RHINELAND, and CENTRAL EUROPE. The unit left for France on September 7, 1917. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Inactivated 31 May 1959 at St. Louis, concurrently, Headquarters and Headquarters Company consolidated with Headquarters and Headquarters Company Headquarters. Activated 24 January 1947 with headquarters at St. Louis, Missouri. The 102nd New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment lost 7 officers and 66 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 82 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. The 102nd Infantry Division ("Ozark"[1]) was a unit of the United States Army in World War II. About 1,016 people were killed. We are complying with the state COVID-19 guidelines for keeping the museum clean and safe for our visitors. Later, when the 102d Army Reserve Command was formed as a regional headquarters for Army Reserve units within the same general area where the 102d Infantry Division had been located, the shoulder sleeve insignia was authorized for wear by units of the 102d ARCOM, such as the military police unit stationed at Richards Gebaur AFB near Belton, Missouri. The 1st Battalion, 102nd Regiment is headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut. The division was constituted in the Organized Reserve on 24 June 1921, allotted to the Seventh Corps Area, and assigned to the XVII Corps, with Arkansas and Missouri as its home area. Reorganized and redesignated as the 4th Battalion, 6th Infantry on 1 April 1963, and inactivated at St. Louis on 31 December 1965. A realignment of sectors and the return of elements placed the 102nd in full control of its units for the first time, 24 November 1944, as it prepared for an attack to the Roer. Horn’s grandfather Joseph M. Park served in the 102nd Infantry Regiment during World War I, but had previously served with the unit during the Mexican border conflict, when it was the 2nd Regiment. Hq. More than 500 members of the 1st Battalion, 102nd Infantry Regiment celebrated 100 years since the unit’s first muster as the 102nd on Yale baseball field in West Haven, Connecticut, Sept. 9. They have a monument on the field and their famous commander Colonel Merwin also has a marker where he fell. On 1 June 1959, the division was reorganized as a Pentomic Division. 102nd Illinois Infantry Regiment Three Year Service DSeptember 1, 1862 - June 6, 1865 The 102nd Infantry Division was activated 15 September 1942 at Camp Maxey, Texas. 1950: In the summer of 1950 while participating in annual training, the 102nd was notified it was to be moblized for the Korean War and was again assigned to the 43rd Infantry Division. 102nd Pennsylvania Infantry. Detachment 2. They participated in the Battle of Bull Run and many other engagements during the conflict including Gettysburg. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 6th Corps. Isaac Hays. To encourage esprit de corps, the division adopted the nickname “Ozark” after the mountainous region that ran through both home area states, and the division staff published a newsletter titled “Ozark.” The division formed rapidly and by November 1922, it was up to 95 percent strength in its complement of officers as required by its peacetime tables of organization. 1945:  After the surrender of Japan, the unit returned to Connecticut and reverted back to National Guard status. [3] After promotion to colonel, Truman advanced to command of the 379th Field Artillery Regiment.[4]. It is honored by a monument at Gettysburg shared with the 78th New York Infantry . There is no regimental commander, staff or headquarters. After many battles, companies might be combined because so many men were killed or wounded. "The Year of 1945 Liberation," Washington, D.C., 1945, pp. He is one of two Asian American’s to fight in the unit during the Civil War.). 1954:  The unit once again became part of the Connecticut National Guard. The division was constituted in the Organized Reserve on 24 June 1921, allotted to the Seventh Corps Area, and assigned to the XVII Corps, with Arkansas and Missouri as its home area. The subordinate infantry regiments of the division held their summer training primarily with the 17th Infantry Regiment at Fort Leavenworth. This page was last edited on 12 February 2021, at 11:55. The 102nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment lost 10 officers and 171 enlisted men … “Stubby” was the highest decorated dog in WW1. The 102nd Infantry Regiment Association is committed to continuing our service to our country, our local communities, and our comrades of the 102nd Infantry Regiment. Everywhere on the route the reputation of the regiment secured the men warm greetings and kind attentions. 1st Battalion, 102nd Infantry Regiment . 102nd PA Regiment Companies. Reorganized and redesignated as the 3d Battalion, 9th Infantry on 1 April 1963, and inactivated at Quincy on 31 December 1965. Assigned 22 October 1946 to the Fifth Army. Company A was referred to as the Grays but it was unofficial (nickname). Many of its men were transferred to the 25th and 37th infantry divisions which saw a lot of action during WW2. As of 2017 the following units are subordinated to the division: This article incorporates public domain material from the United States Army Center of Military History document: .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}"The Army Almanac: A Book of Facts Concerning the Army of the United States U.S. Government Printing Office, 1950". The One Hundred and Second Regiment Veteran Volunteers reached here on Sunday afternoon from Chattanooga, where they led the advance in the storming of Lookout Mountain and Ringgold. On 26 October, elements attached to other divisions entered combat and on 3 November the Division assumed responsibility for the sector from the Wurm River to Waurichen. Connecticut, United States Headquarters and Headquarters Company. About 1,200 prisoners from the Mittelbau-Dora and Hannover-Stöcken concentration camps were forced from a train into an empty barn measuring approximately a hundred by fifty feet on the outskirts of the town. They march to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Virginia, April 30-May 19 and Grand Review May 24. Inactivated 31 May 1959 at East St. Louis, concurrently, Headquarters and Headquarters Company consolidated with Headquarters and Headquarters Company Headquarters. Staff Sergeant John D. Adair 405th Infantry Regiment 11/25/1945 Private Byron M. Allison 405th Infantry Regiment 02/26/1945 102nd Infantry Regiment Civil War Van Buren Light Infantry; Calcium Light Regiment. 102nd Infantry Regiment Museum Inc. Board of directors as of 11/5/2020 SOURCE: Self-reported by organization Board chair. Inactivated 12 March 1946 at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. The division was reactivated on September 16, 2008 as the 102nd Training Division; with headquarters concurrently activated at Fort Snelling, Minnesota. On 15 April the division discovered a war crime in Gardelegen. History Mustered in: September 9, 1861 to April 5, 1862. 1816: The New Haven Grays were formed from the remnants of the second regiment. It mustered out June 6 and discharged at Chicago, Illinois, June 14, 1865.. For more information on the history of this unit, see: Activated 15 March 1948 with headquarters at St. Louis, Missouri. 405th Infantry Regiment 1st Lieutenant James Mack Petty, 128 Infantry Reg.