Remarks delivered at a panel discussion organised by the EU Delegation to Canada on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome Ottawa, 27 March 2017 Ladies and Gentlemen: Today I would like to give you a AUSTRALIA ARTHUR S. DRAKEFORD, Minister for Air and Minister for Civil Aviation; Chairman of the Delegation DANIEL McVEY, Director General of Civil Aviation LIEUTENANT COLONEL W. R. HODGSON, Secretary, Department What is the EU Find out more about what Succeeding personalities of great prestige and experience, who have It is a fully-fledged diplomatic mission and works closely with the diplomatic missions of the EU Member States. CETA, the new trade agreement between the European Union and Canada, entered into force provisionally on 21 September 2017. Find out more about what the European Union is, its history and its countries. Delegation of the European Union to Canada,, Food identity and geographical indications in Western Canada, "A Window on the World" - Personal blog by HR/VP Josep Borrell. CETA, the new trade agreement between the European Union and Canada, entered into force provisionally on 21 September 2017. It is my privilege and honour to chair this European Parliament delegation for the 2019-2024 term. The Canadian media is welcome to contact the Delegation's Press Officer by telephone at (613) 563-6354 or by e-mail at [email protected]. There was some criticism of the amount spent by the EU in updating the interior of the building, which allegedly included the installation of bomb and bullet-proof windows. Delegation for Northern cooperation and for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee. The Canada-EU relationship is based on shared values, a long history of close cooperation, and strong people-to-people ties. The EU offers jobs to citizens in different ways, it also offers public contracts and provides funding in the form of grants to support projects and organisations. [4] As a result of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union on 31 January 2020, the Representative of the European Union was replaced by the European Union Delegation to the United Kingdom [5] Jamaica: The delegation of the European Union EU would mark- Europe Day on Sunday, 9 May 2021 and also is going to host a virtual cultural show in Jamaica. It eliminates virtually all tariffs and facilitates trade, benefitting citizens and businesses across both the EU and Canada. While conceding that Canada, located in Northern America, and Europe are over 3,000 km (1,900 mi) distant, being separated by the North Atlantic, proponents note that the EU already has a me (link sends e-mail) It is located at 2175 K Street, N.W., in the West End neighborhood of Washington, D.C.. European Union Countries with EU delegations Not to be confused with List of military and civilian missions of the European Union, referring to missions of the Common Security and Defence Policy. The Delegation of the European Union to Canada was established in 1976. Facts and figures about living in the EU. Delegation of the European Union to Canada. The member states of the European Union are aligned in their foreign policy on many issues. Consumers, too, are increasingly concerned with food. This virtual show would be for one hour, which would also celebrate- 46 years of the European Union and Jamaica partnership. Dr. Melita GabriAmbassador-designate/ Head of Delegation, Another fun-filled Europe Day from the four corners of the globe to your living room, Foreign Affairs Council (Defence): Remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell at the press conference, G7: Remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell following the G7 Foreign and Development Ministers Meeting, Food identity and geographical indications in Western Canada, SAVE THE DATE- 13 & 20 May 2021 10:00 am PDT / 11:00 am MDT/ 1:00 pm EDT / 7:00 pm CET (90 minutes) Geographical indications (GI) systems have seen a growing interest from producers, who are keen to gain recognition for their know-how. Official LinkedIn account of the diplomatic mission of the European Union in Canada. The EU Delegation in Ottawa represents the European Union in Canada, working in close coordination with the Embassies of the EU Member States. The EU and Canada share common values and goals and have the same world vision. I am grateful for the trust that the members of the EU Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly have placed in me by electing me as their Chair. It cuts tariffs and makes it easier to export goods and services, benefitting people and businesses in both the EU and Canada. The EU is active in a wide range of topics, from human rights to transport and trade. To mark Europe Day and the 45th anniversary of the Delegation of the European Union to Canada, join us for a series of activities marking these special occasions this Sunday and throughout the month of May. The EU is a global benchmark as regards its values and guiding principles and we stand united to defend a peaceful, fair, inclusive and rules-based world order. Established in 1976, the European Union Delegation to Canada is a fully-fledged diplomatic mission. The European Union Delegation to Canada intends to launch a call for proposals during the first quarter of 2018 targeting not-for-profit organizations. EUROPEAN UNION/ UNION EUROPENNE Delegation to Canada/ Dlgation au Canada 150 Metcalfe Street, 19 th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2P 1P1 / Tel: (613) 238-6464 Fax: (613) 238-5191 This show will begin [] Canada and the European Union The European Union (EU) is a strategic partner for Canada. The specific objective of this exercise is to support young people on both sides of The move reverses a The Delegation is a natural point of contact between the EU and the Canadian authorities, as well as for others in Canada wishing to know more about the EU and its policies, such as the media, academics, and the business community. The Delegation is happy to receive any mail, fax, e-mail and telephone inquiries about the EU and its policies or about EU-Canada relations and will attempt to reply to them promptly. The European Union (EU) is considering a possible future EU action on Womens Economic Empowerment with three strategic partners (Canada, USA and Japan) in the context of G7 commitments to womens The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its pleasure on the news of the appointment of Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Canada Dr Melita Gabri as the new Head of the European Union Delegation in Ottawa. The Delegation has three sections: The Delegation's main role, vis--vis the Canadian authorities and other groups, is to promote in Canada the positions and policies of the European Union and (as defined in the EU Treaty) those of the European Union as a whole. CETA entered into force provisionally on 21 September 2017, meaning most of It eliminates virtually all tariffs and facilitates trade, benefitting citizens and businesses across both the EU and Canada. The EUs relationship with the region; information on its history and the EU policies and programmes. The relationship between the two sides has been considerably strengthened by the signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. I am very disappointed; I think we should do better, Van Steen told The Gleaner last week with regard to Jamaicas free trade thrusts under the 2008 Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). It has been proposed as early as 2005 that Canada could join the European Union. The Delegation also keeps the Union in Brussels abreast of significant developments in Canada. Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. As elected representatives, Members of the European Parliament are committed to making the voice of EU citizens heard internationally, in keeping with our values and strategic interests. Following this meeting, on Wednesday 10 February 2021, EU and Canadian co-chairs will provide a debrief to stakeholders on all,, Press and information team of the Delegation to CANADA. It is a fully-fledged diplomatic mission and works closely with the diplomatic missions of the EU Member States. Contacting the European Union Delegation to Canada. The European Union Delegation to Canada is recruiting a Press and Information Assistant who has relevant working experience in the Communications, Media and Administration fields to work in the Political & Public Affairs Section (PPA). 16 talking about this. The Delegation of the European Union to the United States represents the European Union in the United States, working in coordination with the diplomatic and consular missions of all the EU Member States. These events have been effective in increasing the knowledge and understanding of the EU and its relations with Canada. Good Deeds: The EU Christmas Concert COVID-style- Diplomat & International Canada, press Category: News clippings- in the press Regions: North America Canada Editorial Sections: North America Canada Unique ID: 210121_16 Press Location: Ottawa, Register for the EU-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Forum stakeholders debrief 10 February, The third EU-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Forum under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) will take place on Tuesday 9 February 2021 by video conference. The Head of the Delegation is formally accredited as the official representative of the European Union to the Government of Canada with the rank and courtesy title of Ambassador. It conducts an active public diplomacy and information service, aimed at informing Canadians about current developments in the European Union. The appointment will be formally confirmed once The EUs external policies, strategies, instruments and missions to support stability, promote human rights and democracy, seek to spread prosperity and support the enforcement of the rule of law and good governance. EUCCAN and its members and partners organize Europe-related business seminars and networking events throughout the year in order to promote Europe in Canada, strengthen relations between Canada and Europe, and share events of interest to EU businesses operating in Canada or seeking to enter the Canadian market. Proponents argue that cultural and political values of Canadians and Europeans have much in common unlike rest of the American countries, and that Canadian membership would strengthen both sides politically and economically. EU, Canada support visits by OSCE delegation to Minsk Top diplomats call for OSCE-facilitated dialogue between Lukashenko, opposition Agnes Szucs | 27.08.2020 Since September 2017 the EU Delegation has been relocated to Amman, Jordan Zambia Lusaka Jacek Jankowski 2019 Alessandro Mariani (20152019) Gilles Hervio (20102015) Zimbabwe Harare Philippe Van Damme 2014 Public diplomacy and media outreach are one of the priorities of the EU Delegation and an important element of the work of the PPA Section. The EU Delegation to Ukraine and the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine have sent a joint letter to the Office of the President, in which they expressed their position on bill No. On January 19, 2017, the Global Compact Network Canada hosted an in-person and by invitation-only consultation in Toronto with UN Women and the EU Delegation to Canada. Our relationship with the EU is the oldest formal relationship the EU has with any industrialized country, dating back to 1959. CETA is a new trade agreement between the EU and Canada. The EU and Canada meet annually in bilateral summits and in the committees and dialogues set up by The European Unions council has reimposed a travel restriction on Canada as it battles a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Delegation ensures bilateral relations in the political, economic, trade, scientific, technological and cooperation areas. | The Delegation of the European Union to Canada was established in 1976 as a fully-fledged diplomatic mission based in Ottawa and, as such, the natural contact point in Canada between the EU and the Canadian authorities. A list of topics which summarise what the EU does in a specific area, useful links to relevant bodies, laws and documents. Meeting documents. Welcome to the webpage of the Delegation for Relations with Canada. The Delegation of the European Union to Canada was established in 1976. The Delegation of the EU to Canada, in close cooperation with the missions of EU countries, promotes European culture year-round through a number of well-established public diplomacy activities. Delegation of the European Union to Canada | 770 followers on LinkedIn. Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Jamaica, Marianne Van Steen, is encouraging Jamaica to increase trade in services to better exploit opportunities within the 27-member trade bloc. Our Delegation is one of the oldest in the European Parliament, reflecting the importance of the partnership and close cooperation between the EU and Canada.