Those of you that have stopped using toothpaste, because of flouruide, have your teeth been helathy? When these minerals are brushed into the teeth, they make their way into your enamel. share. Fluoride replaces lost minerals in teeth … Training your dog to brush his teeth makes it much easier. some hours later floss, waterpik, brush teeth before bed. I also floss everyday and I have had no problems. Well, as it turns out, according to the American Dental Association, brushing without toothpaste might be just what you needed. However, I have a slight issue: during the extended fasts I feel good except after I brush my teeth. Lol here comes the arm & hammer astroturfing. Most of the benefit from brushing comes from toothpaste. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day for about 2 minutes to help keep your teeth and mouth healthy. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. 30 m after eating, listerine total care mouth wash without rinsing. Yes, we literally mean brushing your teeth without toothpaste or water. Research has shown it to be an effective way of removing plaque, and it's a technique commonly recommended by dentists. Charcoal toothpaste. I'm 69 so this has been a wonderful surprise for me. Brushing with just a wet toothbrush removes food particles and cleans the teeth. So far I have given up and only use mouthwash during fasting and brush my teeth without toothpaste. Reddit, my dentist just told me to stop using toothpaste when I brush my teeth... can someone please cite some useful research here? Hardly an "alternative. That right there tells you that my gums are not only healthier but that they are moving up against my teeth a lot better than they have in a long time. Can I clean my teeth without toothpaste? We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. Dr. Okano: Yes, most people will. I did this until my dentist told me it was wearing away my enamel. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. The quickest, easiest, and most accessible way to clean your teeth without a toothbrush and toothpaste is to take a sip or warm water and swish it vigorously around your mouth. Is flossing and spring water enough? To brush your teeth without a toothbrush, start by wrapping a damp washcloth or paper towel around your index finger and adding your toothpaste to the tip. A better recommendation instead of stating whether one should or should not rinse after brushing should be to use less toothpaste. Apple cider vinegar after a baking soda shampoo will work miracles on most hair. That is the only time I've felt proper sick in my fasting times. There are benefits to using toothpaste however. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. There are lots of natural, fluoride and sls free pastes and gels at your local health food store. Tooth brushing stops plaque building up. I bought a big bag of baking soda at Costco a couple of years ago which I use for various things around the house, but the big surprise was that since I've been brushing my teeth with baking soda (and nothing added to it, such as crushed dried mint leaves) my dentist tells me that my dental health is greatly improved compared to a few years ago when I was using toothpaste. Also, using hydrogen peroxide is really good too. For instance, if you have sea salt, you could dip your wet toothbrush into 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt, then gently brush your teeth. It is always advisable to use a clean, damp washcloth, or a finger brush to gently wipe clean the first teeth and the front of the tongue, after meals and at bedtime.,,, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. save. Also clean your tongue to help eliminate any unpleasant taste after the extraction and more importantly to keep bacteria levels low., When to start brushing a baby’s teeth with a baby Toothpaste. Made my teeth whitened brighter than any treatment I have every had. The list of things we can use baking soda for, and save money by using it for these things, is a very long one! My short answer is : Brushing your tooth without toothpaste will not cause a greater amount of micro-scratches than if you were to use toothpaste. Brushing your dog's teeth is not just about removing tartar and plaque and getting rid of dog breath, it is also about your dog's overall health. Most of the benefit from brushing comes from toothpaste. Try to make sure you brush every surface of all your teeth. For sure, profit chasing inevitably leads to misinformation and lies given enough time I suppose. Thankyou for that, and high-five to good oral health! Denists are full of bullshit for the most part. report. You can do this most effectively while brushing your teeth by spitting out excess toothpaste after cleaning your teeth but before rinsing so that your mouth and toothbrush still have toothpaste residue on them. share | improve this question | follow | edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:51. You really don't need toothpaste. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Big baking soda infiltrating this sub now too? I'll have to look into it though. Use a soft-bristled brush and clean your mouth gently and slowly using small circular motions. Ofcourse yes. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. If you need to brush your teeth but you don’t have any toothpaste, try brushing with items you find around the house instead. I was always under the impression baking soda stripped a layer from the teeth - I don't know for sure whether that is the case. I myself wouldn't use Peroxide unless I had inflamed gums, and even then, not for a long term. 79% Upvoted. 5 Ways To Clean Your Teeth Without a Toothbrush or Toothpaste Monday, June 16th, 2014 – Dental Health We’ve all been there; forgetting our toothbrush on a weekend away, when staying at your significant other’s house, or just needing to clean your teeth after a meal doused in garlic, onions or both. How effective would brushing be if done without toothpaste? Remedies; Spread the love. When … I floss and now use this: Can I clean my teeth without toothpaste? Well, as it turns out, according to the American Dental Association, Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How do you clean your teeth? I personally prefer to brush with salt water and that's plenty enough. Fluoride, one of the active ingredients in toothpaste, doesn't spend much time in contact when your teeth when you are brushing. Why is this in r/conspiracy? Man your so hipster. I used to use Tom's or Jason products but I find the coconut oil, flossing, and brushing with the tooth oil are better than toothpaste. My main questions are. Then, brush your teeth again with regular toothpaste, tooth powder, or other tooth-cleansing product. The truth of this can be found in an exploration of the word exploitation. Went for a cleaning today, 2nd time back to the dentist since I went to college...aka it's been a while. If you want less toothpaste slurry in your mouth after you are done brushing, reduce the amount of toothpaste on your brush. I think it is very easy to successfully argue that capitalism (mercantilism, etc.) Brushing and Flossing — when you brush your teeth, you remove the layer of dental plaque that adheres to your teeth and accumulates from eating all day. When you scan the back of a toothpaste box to check out the ingredients, it can be hard to even tell what you're looking at. However, there is one word you'll want to become particularly familiar with: triclosan. hide. is it effective? Toothpaste, like soap, suds up when it interacts with your teeth and water. To remove plaque, wet toothbrush bristles are sufficient. As it turns out, the main reason why we brush our teeth is to ensure that we remove particles of food stuck between our teeth and to actually remove plaque from our teeth. One of the best ways to control plaque is brushing your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day. The brushing action alone scrapes away plaque and the bacteria that creates it loosens food particles and helps strengthen your gums by rubbing them. Then, rub your teeth in a circular motion like you would with a toothbrush, and make sure to brush your tongue, as well. Brushing with toothpaste can also help tackle issues such as teeth sensitivity and other dental problems as well as teeth whitening; Pittsburgh PA dentists typically will recommend brushing with toothpaste due to this. Dr. Okano: No, you should use it with your toothpaste to get the benefits on a daily basis. Baking soda, the thinking man's toothpaste. baking soda is also a good cleaning agent which does no harm to your body as well! He never asks if I brush my teeth, so I don’t divulge my secret. In a six-month trial published in the Journal of the American Dental Association , patients who first brushed their teeth with a toothbrush that didn’t contain toothpaste (and then with toothpaste afterwards) saw a 63% reduction in plaque build-up, and a 55% drop in bleeding. Those of you that have stopped using toothpaste, because of flouruide, have your teeth been helathy? Messina said that even if you brush your teeth well twice a day, using a toothpaste that is fluoride free isn’t a good idea, even if it is marketed as natural or safe. They wouldn't have a job if everyone kept their teeth clean. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. But does toothpaste serve another purpose? Flossing, limiting sugary food and drinks, and regular checkups and professional cleanings should keep your teeth in top shape. Close. I've talked to 3 dentists about it in the past couple of weeks and none of them cautioned me similarly. Finger brushing with toothpaste can help freshen breath and reduce some of the plaque and bacteria found on teeth. Posted by 5 years ago. 36. Brushing with a wet toothbrush will still remove food particles and plaque from your teeth. For instance, if you have sea salt, you could dip your wet toothbrush into 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt, then gently brush your teeth. Plaque is a film of bacteria that coats your teeth if you don't brush them properly. To begin, tooth paste, is a product most often made of abrasive substances that increases the scrubbing power of the toothbrush bristles. The last time I had a cleaning, about a month ago, I had all 2 & 3 measurements. I use toms... No fluoride and SLS and is exactly like the normal kind to me. If you need to brush your teeth but you don’t have any toothpaste, try brushing with items you find around the house instead. Use the brushing technique your dental hygienist recommends (circular or up and down including the gums). We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. There are lots of videos on the internet with suggestions to add mint to baking soda, too. When you brush your teeth, avoid toothpaste that contains this troubling ingredient. Okay okay, just bear with us here. This is a good alternative. The key ingredient is fluoride, which evidence shows prevents tooth decay. The simple act of brushing your teeth, even without toothpaste, can have lots of benefits. You’ve been using commercial toothpaste your whole life to clean your teeth. You don't need to buy toothpaste anymore; just brush your teeth with baking soda. The key ingredient is fluoride, which evidence shows prevents tooth decay. I felt r/conspiracy was appropriate in this case because much of what we buy these days is, quite frankly, artificial and unnecessary. As such, using a moderately wet toothbrush would do just as well as using any toothpaste, and you do not really need to rely on a toothpaste for this basic purpose. This action frees up any surface dirt on your teeth. Your hair won't look greasy, won't smell bad, and will look much healthier. Seriosuly, this stuff is amazing. 10 Best Alternative Ways To Clean Teeth Without Toothpaste. Use a shampoo/cleaner once every 2 months or so. But isn't capitalism a conspiracy of some sort? Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. The downside? Just scrub your scalp under warm water, the oils will adjust to the right amount naturally from there. Merry Brushing with a wet toothbrush (no toothpaste) is likely just as effective as brushing with a toothpaste. This thread is archived. But isn't capitalism a conspiracy of some sort? How do you clean your teeth? Alternatively, if you don’t have a washcloth or paper towel, you can put the toothpaste directly on your finger. 1 hour after, brush teeth (electric oral-B brush and fluoride toothpaste, spit but no rinse) lunch, swish with water. ** Tooth-brushing with a baby toothpaste can start as soon as baby’s first tooth pokes through the gums. Peroxide and water is a good rinse as well. Remineralizing your teeth is the best way to topically strengthen your enamel without the use of fluoride. Well, to answer it in one line, no, you do not really need to always brush your teeth with toothpaste- doing it without toothpaste can be almost just as effective. Shutterstock. At the end of the day, it’s up to your specific tastes and preferences to decide what’s best for you and your teeth. Brushing your teeth without any toothpaste can help your mouth a surprising amount. Brush with Water. His dentist always remarks how healthy his mouth is compared to other kids his age. There are benefits to using toothpaste however. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. I recommend looking it up at least. He moans at me for not flossing but then he usually removes the plaque that has built up during the 15-minute check up. I was taught this while in dental school. Remineralizing products, like toothpaste, contain small particles of things like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Most commercial toothpastes have additives meant to help prevent cavities in other ways. 73 comments. Okay okay, just bear with us here. That twice-a-day routine is no joke, preferably with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, Haha, just kidding and yeah baking soda is good for oral hygiene. Has this happened to anyone else? However, modern toothpaste has several ingredients that improve the effects of brushing your teeth, such as the following: Abrasives. dinner, swish with water. It's simply not true that we need to buy toothpaste to have good dental hygiene! Is flossing and spring water enough? When brushing your teeth after tooth extraction: Brush your remaining teeth every morning and evening to ensure that your mouth remains clean for faster healing., lol, $20 for a tube of toothpaste? Humans are greedy fucks. I've never done baking soda, but have you ever tried coconut oil pulling? Does brushing your teeth without toothpaste do anything to them? Since 2006, Tom’s of Maine has been a subsidiary of Colgate Palmolive. **, Press J to jump to the feed. Brushing with a wet toothbrush will still remove food particles and plaque from your teeth. **, Press J to jump to the feed. Well, because the companies that make toothpaste and other products with baking soda in them have basically tricked us all into thinking that we actually need their products: toothpaste, teeth whiteners, alka seltzer, etc. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Toothpaste is not needed to effectively clean your teeth. ** is a conspiracy, yes. [These are all the questions we are going to be answering today- if that sounds interesting, make sure that you keep on reading!] add a comment | 1 Answer Active Oldest Votes. Alternative Ways To Clean Your Teeth . I have had a lot of treatments .... this is the best. When the hygienist cleans my teeth they measure the separation of my gums from my teeth. Medicare doesn't cover any dental issues. Fluoride. The simple act of brushing your teeth, even without toothpaste, can have lots of benefits. Before I used baking soda I was getting a lot of 4, 5 & 6 measurements. I haven't read that anywhere. Hah seems so backwards!