(+3), Choice 1: "You didn't know any better." (+3), (Phone) Choice 2: "I'll always have your back." (+2), Visit maid cafe in Akihabara, Order Sincere Omelette, Forgive the mistake, Choice 2: "You need a new strategy." (+2), Question: "Wonder. (+2), (Phone) Choice 2: "Be honest with yourself." (+0), (Phone) Choice 3: "It was love at first sight." ", Lovers: Choice 3: "Just play like normal. (+0), (Phone) Choice 3: "Do I really have to say it?" (+2), Interact with plant in your room, Feed it Bio Nutrients, Talk to Leblanc customers repeatedly to get them to leave, Interact with books on countertop, Read "Pirate Legend", Interact with middle booth, Study at Leblanc, (Phone) Choice 1: "I can't exactly blame you." ", Let your game 2 partner finish on round 4, Choice 3: "You need to love yourself." (+3), Choice 1: "I like having my fortune read." (+2), Trade Calling Postcard for Strawberry Daifuku x2, (Phone) Choice 3: "I'm glad we saw it through." They allow you to customize witcher gear by changing the color of every individual piece. As a precautionary health measure for our support specialists in light of COVID-19, we're operating with a limited team. (+3), Do not talk to the receptionist at the Kichijoji info stand, Request "An Elderly's Meaning of Life" flag, Request "Sadism Is Just a Sign of Love" unlocked, Buy Imported Protein from sports shop in Shibuya underground mall, Choice 3: "Is that what you're researching?" (+3), Choice 2: "There's nothing to fear." Ingredients for Pie, One (+3), Choice 3: "You can always rely on me." (+2), Choice 2: "You have some real guts." and "3 bees in all of Europe. (+2), (Phone) Choice 3: "My bad, I guess." (+2), Talk to Futaba outside Leblanc, Hermit Rank 2, Trade Phantom Wafers for Strength Up Ofuda x2, Choice 3: "I was about to come find you." (+2), Borrow "The Illusory Popess" from library, Choice 2: "She's the true master fisher." (+3), (Phone) Choice 1: "You can talk to me anytime." ". https://www.facebook.com/rickroll548Reddit AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/mx53y/i_am_youtube_user_cotter548_aka_the_inventor_of/As long … (+2), Choice 3: "Is this really what you want?" (+2), Choice 2: "Don't let him provoke you." (+3), (Phone) Choice 1: "He's my age, so it comes easier." unlocked, Choice 2: "It's a good stimulator, huh?" * General Rule for all 3 Pailaka quests: make sure to upgrade the Quest Weapon before killing the Final Boss. Complete this short form starting with choosing a graphic … (+3), Choice 1: "He wants to win at all costs." (+2), Choice 2: "That guy seemed suspicious." ", Talk to Sojiro for exam reward - Boss Undies - Endure, Question with matching arcana: "How numerous they are." (+3), Buy Supernova Burger from Big Bang Burger, Trade Supernova Burger for Old Man's Elixir, Question: "Kind-hearted. (+3), Choice 3: "We made a deal, didn't we?" (+3), Choice 2: "That freedom sounds nice." * The Pailaka quests are series of 3 solo 1-time quests. (+3), Choice 1: "You have the wrong idea." Copyright © 2006-2021 PMfun.com. (+2), Choice 2: "I didn't take it seriously." Saint Urbain is an NPC in Demon's Souls and Demon's Souls Remake.NPCs are the various characters that are encountered by the player throughout their journey. (+0), (Phone) Choice 3: "Let's win the next one." (+3), (Phone) Choice 3: "Let's get coffee again sometime." (+2), Choice 3: "You've really grown, Yusuke." (+3), (Phone) Choice 3: "So he should've punched back?" Talk to librarian in Shujin library, Borrow "Pirate Legend" Buy Bio Nutrients (Y1200) from flower shop in Shibuya underground mall; Talk to Ryuji outside 2D classroom, Chariot Rank 2 (Do not need matching arcana, expect 1 less note). (+3), Choice 2: "You weren't cool though." ", Exams: "Charles-Henri Sanson" and "It's a hereditary profession. (+2), Talk to Sojiro inside Leblanc, Hierophant Rank 1, Question with matching arcana: "You unquestioningly support it." (+3), (Phone) Choice 3: "I want some too." Her damage is quite high, and it’s easily possible to have an established account and be missing a good AoE bruiser for one of the three card types—in which case Ishtar might have some value—but if you’re … ", and "A prodigy. (+3), (Phone) Choice 1: "I feel completely fine." (+3), Choice 2: "You need to trust your son." (+0), Question with matching arcana: "The Milky Way." ", Exams: "Raining cats and dogs." and "Demon Guts. (+3), Buy "Medjed Menace", "Wise Men's Words", and "Tidying the Heart" from Shibuya bookstore, Request "Swindling Old Folk is Pretty Low" unlocked, Choice 3: "Give it all you've got, Haru." Ability to subclass for Kamael and Enchant Weapon A, Jewel Box (For Please Make Me Formal Wear Quest), Random S-grade Jewelry Recipe or 18,800 Adena & Haste Potion, Ice Crystal for 3rd class change, Soy sauce (for Part 2 of the quest), Adena / Experience / and SP or S Grade jewelry recipe, Dragonflute of Wind / Twilight / Star (Level, A grade crafting components / Full B-grade items, Green Totem, Divine Stone of Wisdom (quest item for 3rd Class Change), Pailaka Ring, Pailaka Earring, 810k EXP / 50k SP, Vitality Points, Pailaka Bracelet, 10.800.000 EXP / 950.000 SP, Vitality Points, Pailaka Shirt (A grade), 28M EXP / 2.850.000 SP, Vitality Points. (+2), Choice 3: "Are you sure he's still alive?" (+3), (Phone) Choice 2: "I wanted to hear your voice." (+3), Choice 1: "He says that to all his girls." (+3) (Devil +2), Choice 2: "I guess I could consider it." ", Buy "Vague" and "Buchiko's Story" from Shibuya bookstore, Request "If Cats Disappeared from the City" flag, Investigate Yongen-Jaya by talking with residents to ID target, (Phone) Choice 1: "About Miwa-chan?" (+3), Talk to Hifumi in Kanda church, Star Rank 1, Request "The Lovesick Cyberstalking Girl" unlocked, Question: "Memories that last a long time. Average rents for apartments in Madison range from $550 for a studio to $3,000+ for a 2 bedroom luxury apartment. (+2), Use X to throw dart instead of motion controls, Let your game 1 partner finish on round 4, Chariot: Choice 1: "You gotta psych yourself up! (+3), Question: "Because the voice is synthetic. (+0), (Phone) Choice 1: "I'm planning on it." (+3), Choice 1: "He saw us as good friends." (+2), (Phone) Choice 1: "Good work over there." Choice 1: "I'm counting … (+2), (Phone) Choice 3: "If I can help somehow…" (+2), (Phone) Choice 3: "I'll help you anytime." ", Exams: "The Devil's Dictionary." (+2), (Phone) Choice 1: "Sounds like you two get along." ", Sign up for Triple Seven convenience store job from part-time listings in Shibuya underground walkway, Work at convenience store on Shibuya central street, Interact with Leblanc bathroom, Clean Leblanc with matching arcana, Talk to Ann in 2D classroom, Lovers Rank 2, Choice 2: "I couldn't just ignore you." Armor dyes are a new feature in The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine. See the Instructional Videos page for full details of videos available. (+2), Choice 3: "Are you starting a farm?" (+3), Choice 2: "I can taste the elephant." ", and "Resentful. * The Pailaka quests are series of 3 solo 1-time quests. ", "Barbarians' heads. This stance highlights homeowners expend more recurring costs than renters (for example, property taxes, mortgage interest, maintenance costs, … (+3), (Phone) Choice 2: "I'll cheer you on." Additional quest with start location any town: Let's Get Fishing Shots, Quest to clean PK poins - Repent your sins, Adena, armor/weapon scrolls, 60% B weapon receipes, A-grade boot/helm/glove fabrics & recipes, A grade Accessory Parts (shield, jewelry), Sewing Kit (For Please Make Me Formal Wear Quest), Dress Shoe Box (For Please Make Me Formal Wear Quest). (+2), (Phone) Choice 1: "Couldn't agree more." (+2), Trade Gear Girimehkala for Hot-Blooded Sword, Exams: "32 surfaces. (+2), Talk to Yoshida outside Shibuya station, Sun Rank 0.1, Choice 3: "We can train at my place." ", and "Public performance. Source: (HomeLight) You are eating away at your Estate Tax Exemption. ", and "Forever. (+3), (Phone) Choice 1: "Don't get discouraged." (+2), Buy Moon Dango from Yongen-Jaya grocery store, Choice 1: "Because we're teammates." Pictures , GIFs & Videos of adorable animals. (+2), (Phone) Choice 1: "Are you running away again?" (+2), (Phone) Choice 2: "She needs a balanced diet." (+2), (Phone) Choice 1: "You can count on me." (+3), Choice 1: "Are you used to gunplay?" (+3), Buy Melon Pan from Ginza Line gate near Shibuya hideout, Choice 1: "I always knew you were a thug." through billiards, Teach Charge to Yusuke and Concentrate to Makoto through Jazz Club, Delay Devil progression in order to see Empress Hangout Asakusa on 11/6, Activities you must do to adhere to the Battle Route schedule are labeled with, https://aqiu384.github.io/p5r-walkthrough/walkthrough, https://aqiu384.github.io/megaten-fusion-tool/p5r/personas, https://aqiu384.github.io/megaten-fusion-tool/p5r/shadows, Rotate through all 16 save slot so you can backtrack if you make a scheduling mistake, When infiltrating palace save right before you enter the Metaverse and right before you leave, At the end of a crafting session your normally receive, During an attempt you may randomly craft twice as many tools using the same amount of materials, If this happens at least once during a session you receive an additional, You must reload starting with the second crafting session until this happens, Chances of this occurring is tied to your Proficiency, making it easier to occur later on, The days when you must get the crafting bonus are noted on 4/21, 5/2, 5/7, Element attack items for Spaceport Palace boss, On set days Mr. Ushimaru will throw chalk at you during his class, At times you may randomly dodge and receive, You must reload starting with the second chalk throw until this happens, The days when you must dodge the chalk are noted on 5/6, 6/21, On set evenings you can complete a crossword in Leblanc and receive, Completing a crossword does not take time, Crossword answers will carry over to the next crossword evening unless completed, If the answer does not match the guide you have missed a day, On Sundays you can drink aojiru for Y5000 from the Shibuya underground walkway and receive, The stat type received from aojiru works off a set rotation and will carry over to the next Sunday unless purchased, If the stat gain does not match the guide you have missed a day, These random stat gains are excluded from the, If you are behind on social stats for the, All palaces were cleared on Hard using the minimum number of in-game days, Similarly you can clear palaces however you wish as long as you adhere to the schedule, When infiltrating Mementos you must finish all listed requests to proceed with confidant schedule, Helpful suggestions are listed under Palace Tips section, Requests are unlocked by ranking up confidants and reading messages from Mishima, Your phone holds only the last 50 messages, making some permanently missable if not read, Always read all your messages, fast-forward through them if you wish, Some requests lack a target and must be investigated in the overworld to ID them, You normally acquire enough points to unlock a confidant's next rank up event by giving positive responses to their prompts during conversations, When you give a correct response you get 1 to 3 confidant points that are represented as blue musical notes that fly offscreen, The sparkles that accompany the notes also show if you have enough points to rank up, If the sparkles remain over the confidant's head you do not have enough points, If the sparkles fly offscreen with the notes the next hangout will be a rank up event, This guide notes the optimal answers along with their position, tentative translation, and expected confidant points, All prompts where no response gives confidant points, Ranks 1 and 10 which are always followed by a rank up event, Fool, Magician, and Judgement which rank up automatically, Moon which solely ranks up based on completing Mementos requests, Sun which ranks up every meeting regardless of answers, Strength which solely ranks up based on completing fusion requests, You can complete their requests at your own pace so long you finish before the 12/24 deadline, See the Strength Confidant section for suggested fusion pathways, Carrying a persona of the same arcana while talking to a confidant gives an extra confidant point +1 for every response that normally gives confidant points, The persona only has to be in your stock and not necessarily equipped, This guide expects you to always carry the matching arcana for confidant events after 4/20, Included events include all confidant rank ups as well some unique cases, Hierophant when making coffee or cleaning Leblanc, Lovers when answering class questions on 4/25, 6/20, and 7/7, You never need matching arcana for Fool, Magician, Strength, Moon, Sun, and Judgement confidants, This guide is structured so you can choose to romance any on the 10 potential confidants upon reaching Rank 9, Death Rank 10 is moved from daytime to evening if you romance so there are 2 spots where it can occur, There are additional endgame benefits if you do not romance more than 1 confidant on the same save file, On 2/15 the remaining 9 confidants and Judgement gift you with a friendship chocolate, All Metaverse trophies except Unsurpassed Rebel should be easy to unlock by endgame, Can save-reload for a couple overworld trophies, rest will auto unlock while following guide, My Closest Partner: Max out one confidant on romance route, Easy Money: Wait a week for lottery ticket prize announcement, does not have to be grand prize, Trash Into Treasure: Sell armor to Kichijoji used clothes store, A Serene Experience: Meditate at the temple, Professional Modification: Customize a gun, Master of Akihabara: Make Y20,000 worth of orders before visiting for special menu, For complete list see [[Thieves Den Awards]], All awards except for NG+ can be done through save-reloads, Mask Collector: Get 99% compendium completion during NG so only Joker's NG+ ultimate persona is missing, Future Rehabilitation: Needs NG+ Mementos, True Rehabilitation: Needs NG+ third semester, Some rewards require careful scheduling even with save-reloads, Ladies' Man: Need to see the Rank 10 event for every candidate on romance route, Save whenever you reach Rank 9 romance decision point in guide, Check to make sure counter in Thieves Den goes up, Reload save and proceed with friendship route following the guide normally, You can reverse the steps if you wish to commit to a relationship on that save, We Stand As Equals: Should also unlock while using above process to complete Beloved Phantom Thief, Legend of the Dragon Fist: Needs 16 gym visits on a save, Talk to Takemi in her Yongen-Jaya clinic, Death Rank 1, Interact with the crossword on innermost booth of Leblanc, Complete blue squares: "Semesters", Talk to librarian in Shujin library, Borrow "Pirate Legend", Talk to Ryuji outside 2D classroom, Chariot Rank 2, Choice 1: "Do you go want to go back?" (+2), Choice 2: "That must have been a shock." (+2), Talk to Justine outside Velvet Room, Strength Hangout Big Bang Burger, Respond to Kasumi's message, Faith Rank 2, Choice 1: "We're just getting started." (+3), Talk to Akechi to initiate solo battle, Justice Rank 8, Choice 1: "I definitely wouldn't lose." (+2), Choice 3: "She was falsely accused?" Funny and cute animals. (+2), Choice 3: "Let's just enjoy the air." There are three endings to the story – one happy, one sad and one tragic. (+2), Choice 3: "You should tell him that." (+2), Choice 1: "You'll find someone someday." (+3), Choice 1: "You guys should trust Nakaoka." Floating Stone to allow you to meet Valakas. (+3), Choice 1: "This is a complex issue." (+3), Choice 2: "You can figure that out now." 1,173 Followers, 293 Following, 11 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from abdou now online (@abdoualittlebit) Question: "They're the same." (+3), Choice 1: "I want to become stronger." (+3), (Phone) Choice 1: "Like father, like son." Free up as much time as possible for endgame experiments, Left for backwards compatibility, recommend switching to Battle Route if still possible, Activities you must do to adhere to the Normal Route schedule are labeled with, Same goals as Normal Route with additional battle benefits, Quickly rank up Technical Lv.