glad he is not the only one! This may be after a meal, playing outside in the yard, or after a bath or swim. It's also possible that he could have kennel cough, or another viral illness. The most common infection that would cause a dog to rub its face in the carpet is an ear infection. Your dog's reason for rubbing his face may be entirely nonmedical. Dogs will frequently groom themselves similar to cats’ habits — by licking their paws and then rubbing their faces or muzzles. Dogs are often treated as part of the family. If its ear is red and swollen, you should take your dog to the vet. To get those hard-to-clean spots, they might rub their face on carpets, furniture or some grass. Dogs have several ways of showing affection, such as licking your face or cuddling up with you. However, if your dog is rubbing its face on you, can you only relate it to the expression of love? Many dogs will rub against walls when they have an itch that needs to be scratched. Since I can't see her or look at her face, it would be a good idea to have her seen by a veterinarian, as they will be able to examine her and determine if anything is wrong. could not believe what i was seeing, my dog Buddy appeared to be caressing the snake, rubbing his chin and the side of his face on the snake, gently rolling the snake with his paws and rubbing it again, thought it was the most bizaar behavior i have ever seen! They usually cuddle your face or neck, press their forehead against your face or place their head on your shoulder. Instead of licking me, he likes to touch me with his muzzle/mouth while it's closed. To relieve the itchiness often associated with ear infections, dogs may rub their head against your furniture, the carpet or the walls in your home. If your dog likes sleeping with you, whether it's on the couch or under the covers, it's a sign that she sees you as part of her pack. Some dogs simply develop a facial rubbing habit because it feels satisfying, much like a human may rub his eyes or scratch his head. Since family members show each other affection with hugs, kisses, cuddles, and nuzzles, you probably take it for granted that your dog is showing you love when he nuzzles your face or neck with his muzzle, places his head on your shoulder, or when he presses his forehead against your face. If a dog is rubbing its face, for this reason, there is no cause for concern but the dog may need a little assistance in wiping its face-off. If you notice your dog rubbing its ears and face in the carpet on a frequent basis, look for discharge from its ear. Bee stings or snake bites can cause itching, burning, and swelling of the face. 2. 1. Whenever I call the dog to me, he doesn't jump up on me, but stands sideways so that his face is rubbing against my knees. Some dogs do it as a way of leaving their scent on an object, marking their territory by rubbing their unique natural oils on something. If I start petting him, he'll lean against me. Dogs are pack animals, used to cuddling up in dens with their families. This is his way of telling you that he loves and adores you. They need to scratch an itch and it feels nice. Dogs that have food, dirt or even water on their faces may rub them on something to wipe it off. So if you wake up to doggie breath in your face, just be flattered your dog thinks of you as family! So, you may just find your dog rubbing her face on the couch as a way to sooth her itchy ears. Allergies in dogs often manifest as extreme itchiness. Something On Its Face . Some dogs are clean freaks and can’t stand a piece of food left on their face or between their teeth. She wiggles her eyebrows at you. A dog with an ear infection will likely be in a great deal of discomfort. Read all these points, as the final point is the most serious reason why your dog is rubbing his face on a wall, with the close-up hugging and leaning behavior. Dogs also show their love for their human friends with nuzzling. They also show they love you by rubbing their bodies on you.