Press alt + / to open this menu alt + / to open this menu It is designed to get rid off fake accounts and spammers that had riddled the service Click it. This is a privacy We've all been in that situation. I disabled the group request thing and will disable my message requests as well. The option will be unavailable if you have temporarily disabled your account within the past seven days. This born-again Instagram is a total paranoid, over protective and has a zero tolerance to spammers or anything that looks and acts like spammer. Log in to your account and go to your Profile page. Sometimes, the Instagram bug can send you a random suspicious login attempt message on Instagram, which may be fixed by updating the app. When Instagram tweeted this today, users flooded the account demanding to hear why their Instagrams were randomly shut down. The Authorized apps will list all the apps that you have allowed to connect to your Instagram account. For the past few months, Instagram has had a big problem with users purchasing fake likes and followers. You can temporarily disable your Instagram account as many times as you like, as long as it is only once per week. My account was deleted, please answer us Rha (@ashelia) July 6, 2017 I was looking for a solution but Instagram nowhere mentions this is the way to do it.. Thankyou thankyou thankyou.. As a pretty girl I get really sleezy texts from strangers and some even add me to random groups which are titled as "send nudes".. Why is Instagram locking accounts? Sections of this page. Update the Instagram App. In the menu that opens, select Authorized Apps. Accessibility Help. Open a web browser and visit Instagram. Unfortunately, Facebook doesnt always say exactly why your account has been disabled. This can been done directly (the user themselves actually purchasing the fake likes/followers) but its more commonly done through subscribing to a growth Even if you're only posting photos of your cute cat or delicious lunch, your Instagram account can still be the target of hackers. Dont get me wrong, the intention is good, in general. In this post, we explain the most common reasons for account disablement. Instagram only lets you temporarily disable your account once per week. Why was your account deactivated? The Most Common Reasons for Account If you get a message like this one, you will need to rereview their Advertising Policies. Welcome to the new Instagram! Why is My Facebook account locked or disabled and how to recover an account?If your Facebook Account is Disable or Blocked and you want to recover your Facebook account, then you are in the right place. Turn On Text messages, or Email or Authentication app, to tighten up the Instagram security of your account. you have been notified by Instagram, saying that you violated its terms of conditions. Next to the Edit Profile button, you will see a cog wheel button. Because today I will explain all such issues related to the Facebook Account and their solution.