One important spiritual exercise of Eckankar is the singing or chanting of Hu, and is viewed in Eckankar as a "love song to God". [11]:55, Eckankar's headquarters were originally in Las Vegas, Nevada. America's Alternative Religions. The mystery of Hu is revealed to the Sufi who journeys through the path of initiation." It is important that anyone playing around with such 'psychic activities' One of the purposes of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, is to give us a spiritual understanding of who and what we are. See more ideas about spiritual freedom, spirituality, spiritual tools. October 22 is celebrated as the spiritual new year. But Twitchell didn't see Singh as his teacher, per se. Study of ECK books and written discourses, alone or in groups, is also encouraged. ECKANKAR, for example, teaches that the ultimate state for each individual is that of a co-worker with God, not oneness with God; inner techniques are more active spiritual exercises than yogic practices; and Eastern austerities (vegetarianism, extended meditation) are not espoused. The Temple of Eck in Chanhassen, Minnesota, U.S.. Eckankar is a new religious movement founded by Paul Twitchell in 1965. Gross (spiritual name: Dap Ren) succeeded him until October 22, 1981, when Klemp (spiritual name: Wah Z, pronounced Wah Zee) became the spiritual leader. Ch. Harold Klemp attended a Lutheran preministerial high school and college. Nov 10, 2017 - Explore Empyrean Gemstones's board "ECKANKAR" on Pinterest. (q.v.) Eckankar is a university for Soul. Its headquarters is in Chanhassen, Minnesota where a temple and other facilities exist. A wide variety of spiritual exercises are offered, and members are encouraged to create their own. [11]:189 The most basic ECK spiritual exercise is singing the syllable Hu. The goal is to gain spiritual freedom during this lifetime to then become a co-worker with God in this world and the next. (Note: please click on each image to enlarge) The basic beliefs of Eckankar include everything contrary to the Holy Bible, including: karma, reincarnation, soul travel (astral projection), and contact with "spirit travelers". Twitchell was born around 1908 and passed away in 1971. Free books and information from Eckankar; request or download in English, French, German, or Spanish: ... All things and beings exclaim this name of the Lord, for every activity of life expresses distinctly or indistinctly this very sound. ^Melton, J. Gordon, Encyclopedia of American Religions (Seventh Edition). Eckankar is not a teaching nor a spiritual belief system that is suitable for all people. [11]:186–187, The beliefs that individuals are responsible for their own destiny and that their decisions determine their future are important concepts to Eckankar. And there is help along the way. ("Chelas" means "student"). Eckankar, Minneapolis. These are attained via the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. [7][8][9], According to the Eckankar glossary, the term Eckankar means Co-Worker with God. Eckankar, a religious movement partly based on yogic elements, was founded in 1965 by Paul Twitchell. For the current leader of eckankar I also have a strong dislike. he followed this teaching, something like lutheran or episcopalian, until he did not disagree with it. ECK seminars include speakers, creative arts, workshops, discussion groups and other activities. Unfortunately, he was an amoral megalomaniac con-man who wanted to destroy all world religions, and even God, and replace them with himself and his cult. "Harold Klemp (1942-Current)--a native of Wisconsin and former divinity student, Klemp discovered Eckankar in the 1960s. [21] According to followers of Eckankar, dream travel often serves as the gateway to Soul Travel[22] or the shifting of one's consciousness to ever-higher states of being. Irratic behavior, Intolerant Internet, Minnesota *UPDATE EX-employee responds: An Accurate Portrayal *General Comment: The Good Side of Eckankar with some Bad It hints at biblical truth but completely misses the reality of who God is, who humans are, and how we can experience true relationship with God and life in Him. I have purchased items through this web site from different countries, and I have never had a problem with the purchase. Spiritual Mastership is the goal of goals. Eckankar beliefs are satanic and in direct contradiction with the teachings of the Holy Bible. The Supreme Being has been called by various names in different languages, but the mystics have known him as Hu, the natural name, not man-made, the only name of the nameless which all nature constantly proclaims. Eckankar celebrates the freedom and opportunity for each Soul to walk Its own path to God. Under the leadership of Darwin Gross, the organization was moved to Menlo Park, California in 1975. He later pursued private study into different paths such as the Rosicrucians and Edgar Cayce. It is pronounced like the English word "hue" (or "hyoo") in a long, drawn-out breath and is sung for about half an hour. For those not eckists, please understand, eckankar is no stranger than any other religion (although it is very strange). New Religious Movements Same Old Reasonless Nonsense “Exposing Scientology, Eckankar, and Wicca” Ron Hubbard, who founded the religion of scientology, was a liar by telling his followers that he was Nuclear Physicist, educated in advanced physics and higher mathematics, a student of Sigmund Freud and others, and researched years ago at George Washington University. Eckankar is a new religious movement founded by Paul Twitchell in 1965. Satan is our “adversary, the devil, [who] walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Eckankar and Eckist do not as much as use prayer to change someone's bad character to good--that is a violation of spiritual law, and the God-given freedom of that person, plus that will be the use of white magic...we do not for any reason do magic--we make no distinction between white & black magic. The religious center has a spiritual leader. Eckankar is a new religious movement founded by Paul Twitchell in 1965. The true mystery of Eckankar is in your unfoldment. ECK membership is a dynamic program for advanced spiritual living. Melton, J. Gordon (2003). ECKists believe Sugmad is the endless source from which all forms were created, and that the ECK, the Sound Current, flows out of Sugmad and into lower dimensions. Eckankar hosts a Worldwide Seminar in October and a Springtime Seminar every year. And no worries, you're in perfectly wonderful company among Eckists. Overview: Eckankar is a religious and spiritual path, sometimes called the Religion of the Light and Sound of God. [11]:59, Dreams are regarded as important teaching tools, and members often keep dream journals to facilitate study. Its name can be translated " co-worker with God". Eckankar members are called ECKists or ECK chelas. Marjan Davari, Mr. Zargar's former spouse, was also imprisoned and sentenced to death for being a member of Eckankar. What do Eckists believe? The basic beliefs of Eckankar are that that all souls exist because of God's love. Some leaders, Twitchell and Klemp, for example, also hold the title "Mahanta" which refers to the inner aspect of the teacher. It is not a spiritual organization but a disguised form of advanced Freemasonry. [17] Others find significant differences between Sant Mat teachings and Eckankar. The movement teaches simple spiritual exercises, such as singing "Hu", called "a love song to God", to experience the Light and Sound of God and recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit. There are no dietary requirements, taboos, or enforced ascetic practices. ECKANKAR Official Site | The Path of Spiritual Freedom. In other versions, the teachings go even further back to Gakko, a spiritual essence that traveled from the city of Retz on the planet Venus to Earth six million years ago...In addition, Sudar Singh and Rebazar Tarzs are not genuine historical personages but literary inventions developed by Twitchell to conceal his past associations. What is Eckankar? ECKists are expected to respect the privacy, beliefs, and religious freedom of others. [24] It comprises two books that tell of spiritual meaning and purpose as written by the Mahanta. [13][14] The leader functions as both an inner and outer guide for each member's individual spiritual progress. ECKists sing it alone or in groups. This sound Hu is the beginning and end of all sounds ... the echo of bells or gongs gives a typical illustration of the sound Hu. Ibid. [30][31][32] Ms. Davari's family has stated in the media and online that she is merely a researcher and a translator and is not a follower of Eckankar.[33][34]. Farmington Hills, Michigan: The Gale Group, Inc. 17. It was created by its founder, Paul Twitchell, in 1965, to promote worship of the gods of ancient Egypt. Eckankar is not affiliated with any other religious group. [11]:177, Some of the key beliefs taught in the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad include Soul Travel, karma, reincarnation, love, Light and Sound, and many other spiritual topics. A deeply individualized creative practice that supports the exploration of past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel. [11]:187, Certain mantras or chants are used to facilitate spiritual growth. ECKANKAR: Official Main Site of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God This worldwide religion led by ECK master Harold Klemp, offers spiritual study programs in past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel, with public classes, and spiritual seminars around the world. 4:12), Eckankar teaches salvation is by great personal effort & soul travel. Eckankar was founded as a religious movement in 1965 by Paul Twitchell. It is a non-profit religious group with members in over one hundred countries. There are a number of ceremonies an ECKist can experience as part of the teaching, including a Consecration ceremony for initiating the young and infants, a Rite of Passage into adulthood (around age 13), a Wedding ceremony, and a Memorial service. See more ideas about spiritual freedom, spirituality, spiritual tools. [35][36], ECKists believe contact with Divine Spirit, which they call the ECK, can be made via the spiritual exercises of ECK and the guidance of the living ECK Master. Twitchell was at one time a pupil of a yoga master by the name of Kirpal Singh. This page was last edited on 28 January 2021, at 02:13. The membership card for Eckankar states: "The aim and purpose of Eckankar has always been to take Soul by Its own path back to Its divine source. The term, Copyright 2011-2021 Got Questions Ministries - All Rights Reserved. Eckankar offers a Spiritual Exercise of the Week[25] on its website. The Religion of the Light and Sound Of God. An ECK Light and Sound service generally includes a HU Song and contemplation, a talk or panel discussion from members of the Eckankar Clergy, and often includes creative arts and group discussion. [18], One of the basic tenets is that Soul (the true self) may be experienced separate from the physical body and in full consciousness travel freely in "other planes of reality"[further explanation needed]. Christian Truth. Twitchell (spiritual name: Peddar Zaskq) was the movement's spiritual leader until his death in late 1971. Eckankar Founder: Unknown. ", The final spiritual goal of all ECKists is to become conscious "Co-workers" with God. The Eckankar religious group has members in more than one hundred countries. Eckankar emphasizes personal spiritual experiences as the most natural way back to God. In 1986, Harold Klemp moved the base of operations to Minneapolis, Minnesota.[12]. According to Eck teachings, they believe they have ancient roots. Klemp, Harold, 1998, Cosmic Sea of Words: The Eckankar Lexicon. The main Eckankar website includes a list of Masters, some of whom are historical figures.[37]. Woods, Len, (2008), Handbook of World Religions, Barbour Publishing, Ohio. In 1981 he became Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living Eckankar Master, the spiritual leader of Eckankar; Klemp's spiritual name is Wah Z, 'the Secret Doctrine.'" It views each person as a Soul (usually written with an uppercase S to identify the "true self") or a particle of God sent to lower worlds in order to gain spiritual experience. Eckankar is not affiliated with any other religious group. Each religion and spiritual tradition in the world offers a different experience for Soul’s journey. "This sound develops through ten different aspects ... until it finally becomes Hu, the most sacred of all sounds. All membership costs are donations. this man, harold klemp, began seeking early in life and went to a religious school to become a minister. Contrary to what the Bible teaches that salvation is by grace through faith (Eph. [19] These are attained via Soul Travel shifting the awareness from the body to the inner planes of existence. [11]:59 There are also a series of Satsang writings, that are available with yearly membership in Eckankar. What are the major world religions in existence today. so my dear if you like continue your bashing, it doesn't take anything away from what ECKANKAR is. It is a non-profit religious group with members in over one hundred countries. Eckankar, a New Age religion with its worldwide headquarters in Minneapolis, is deceiving its members as to its true origin and purpose. Eckankar Religion of the Light and Sound of God Deceptive, Spiritual inslavement, Mind Control, Immaturity. Eckankar emphasizes personal spiritual experiences as the most natural way back to God. [10] ECK is another word for the Holy Spirit, also known as the Audible Life Current, Life Force, or Light and Sound of God. It's not a matter that some people just are not good enough or are not worthy but simply a matter of "horses for courses". [26], The Eckankar "EK" symbol appears on the list of Available Emblems of Belief for Placement on Government Headstones and Markers by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. The sound Hu is most sacred; the mystics of all ages called it Ismi-Azam, the name of the most High, for it is the origin and end of every sound as well as the background of each word. At the beginning, I had to take up a discussion here, which really I think will give you an understanding and help enlighten you towards understanding the overall picture of the whole field of spiritual works, metaphysics, religion and philosophy there. We work as individuals in a spiritual sense, learning the laws of Spirit to make our life a little bit easier, to gain understanding, and to take away the fear ... of death. –Inayat Khan, Timothy Miller (1995). There are Satsang classes available to study discourses with others, as well as individually. [Also known as an "OBE" out of body experience ], Eckankar teaches that "spiritual liberation" in one's lifetime is available to all and that it is possible to achieve Self-Realization (the realization of oneself as Soul) and God-Realization (the realization of oneself as a spark of God) in one's lifetime. Dogra, Ramesh Chander & Gobind Singh Mansukhani. Eckankar On-line Seminar: The Power of Gratitude October 23 – November 30: You are invited to an Online ECKANKAR Soul Adventure Seminar! [11]:186, September 17 is celebrated as Founder's Day in honor of the modern-day founder of Eckankar, Paul Twitchell. Eckankar does not require potential members to leave their current faith to join. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, United States Department of Veterans Affairs, "Available Emblems of Belief for Placement on Government Headstones and Markers - National Cemetery Administration", "Iran Executions: Karim Zargar, the Head of a Spiritual Institution, Was Hanged", "Karim Zargar Holder of Ph.D. from Strasburg University hanged in Iran", "Translator in Prison for One Year Without Knowing Charges; Her Lawyer Denied Access to Case File – Center for Human Rights in Iran", "Amnesty International : Stop Execution of Marjan Davari #FreeMarjan", "About Eckankar: An Overview of Eckankar and its Teachings (PDF)",, Religious organizations established in 1965, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking reliable references from August 2018, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from July 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. Eckankar has always handled my privacy with care. [28], In February 2018, Iranian agencies reported the execution of Karim Zargar, an Eckankar member, for "corruption on earth" and forced rape. [27] Sources estimate that there were around 50,000 followers in the 1990s. Eckankar workshops are a powerful way to learn about a spiritual topic in a larger group that explores the subject more directly and deeply. “He gradually became disillusioned with the theology he was being taught, especially the exclusivity of Christian truth as the only way to heaven. Good luck on your spiritual journey! Eckankar also hosts annual seminars in countries around the world. They believe in contacting "Spiritual Travelers" (aka: Demons)… A place of wonder. The extent of the influence of these teachings on Klemp is difficult to determine. That experience is said to purify the person so that they come into contact with the ECK (whom they also call the "Holy Spirit"). Eckankar is classified as a religious non-profit organization. [29] Zargar was a lawyer, actor, and former IRIB broadcast executive who was hanged at Rajai Shahr Prison. Eckankar is a dangerous false religion that involves itself in the things of the spiritual world yet denies God. The spiritual home is the Temple of Eck in Chanhassen, Minnesota. “ECKANKAR is distinguished from the Sant Mat tradition in significant ways. [11]:59, 187, 194, Primary to the teaching is the belief that one may experience the perspective of soul beyond the limits of the body. This alone is the true name of God, a name that no people and no religion can claim as their own. Encyclopedia of American Religions (Seventh edition). Rather than blind faith, Eckankar offers real tools that when practiced, can help you to see more of God's … [38], Religious movement founded in 1965 by Paul Twitchell, Handbook of World Religions, Len Woods, The Livingston Corp., 2008, Published by Barbour Publishing, Inc., P. O. Eckankar is the most pure teaching I've discovered. Originally, in the 1960s, Eckankar was a legal entity classified as a business. Also, the concepts of karma and reincarnation help to explain situations in life as the playing out of past causes. Eckankar is a pseudo-religion created by Paul Twitchell, an intelligent man who could have perhaps done some good in the world if he'd truly had any kind of connection with Spirit. 14, ECKANKAR, p. 69. [20] ECKists believe this practice allows the student to step back from the overwhelming input of the physical senses and emotions and regain Soul's spiritually higher viewpoint. Is Eckankar a real religion? Ellwood, Robert S. and Partin, Harry B. [11]:59 ECKists believe that singing Hu draws one closer in state of consciousness to the Divine Being and that it can expand awareness, help one experience divine love, heal broken hearts, offer solace in times of grief, and bring peace and calm. Their purpose is to help individuals find their way back to God through direct personal spiritual experiences. [11]:59[23], The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, which means "Way of the Eternal", is the holy scripture of Eckankar. Legally, yes. 2:8-9) and in Jesus alone (Acts. Embark upon a virtual spiritual adventure both personal and profound as you explore the transformative possibilities of the Power of Gratitude—a secret to spiritual living that can help you live a rich and fulfilling life. The extent of the influence these esoteric teachings had on Klemp is difficult to determine.”. (1988), Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern America, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. p. 366. ECKANKAR (ECK), a Westernized version of the Punjabi Sant Mat or Radha Soami Satsang spiritual tradition. According to its own writings, Eckankar means a co-worker with God. Your life, your dreams, your inner and outer daily experiences are the campus. Aug 19, 2016 - Explore Mary-Lynne Penney-Eisenberg's board "ECKANKAR", followed by 467 people on Pinterest. Led by skilled facilitators, ECK workshops offer attendees an opportunity to gain personal insights and information that will benefit them in their own spiritual studies, and help strengthen their own natural spiritual awareness. Chief among these is daily practice of the "Spiritual Exercises of ECK" for 15–20 minutes. He also began having mystical experiences while in high school and ministerial training….For a time after leaving ministerial training, he ‘dabbled’ in Edgar Cayce and Rosicrucianism. Eckankar blasphemes God by claiming Jesus Christ is a son of Kal (the “devil”). Singh believed that the universe was created by sound waves, and so the style of yoga he practiced was known as Sound Current yoga. The spiritual home is the Temple of Eck in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Albany, NY: State University of New York. Where does this journey lead? ECKANKAR was founded in 1965 by Paul Twitchell (c. 1908–71).. Twitchell also presented a different vocabulary than that of Sant Mat teachings.”. The leader of Eckankar is known as 'the Living ECK Master'. It is a non-profit religious group with members in over one hundred countries. Eckankar students meet in open public services and classes to discuss personal experiences, topics, books and discourses.[11]:59. Box 719, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683 It is clear that Eckankar is a false religion created by Satan and steeped in Hinduism and other Eastern religions. In Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America, David C. Lane writes: This lineage, known as the Vairagi masters in Eckankar, allegedly traces its genealogy back through some 970 Living Eck Masters to Rama, an avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism. The second lecture in the Way of Eckankar is called Eckankar as a Path to God. Eckankar offers spiritual teaching to discover truth through personal experience. The God-knowledge lies within you. [15], Some scholars believe that Eckankar draws in part from the Sikh and Hindu religions,[16] and the Sant Mat movement. I have spent time as a christian and and an eckist, and I found eckist's to actually be as good or better members of the community at large. the light and sound being the manifestation of the Holy Spirit which when it comes into your life makes you a new being filled with love and bent on only carrying out the will of God. It is held that the ECK Masters are here to serve all life irrespective of religious belief. The spiritual home is the Temple of Eck in Chanhassen, Minnesota.Eckankar is not affiliated with any other religious … There are few personal requirements to be an ECKist; however, certain spiritual practices are recommended.