Prior to Link first entering the Forest Temple, a total of eight monkeys were captured and imprisoned by the malevolent forces residing within the temple. Initially frozen over by Zant, the waters of the river must be thawed in order to refill Lake Hylia. Link first reaches Lake Hylia by jumping off this bridge, and it is here that King Bulblin is fought for the second time. This is the waterwheel on the side of Malo and Talo's house. Link riding Epona through the tiny Ordon Woods. However, if Link tries to walk out without paying at all, Trill will squawk at him before flying of his perch and attacking Link. Link has to play the Recorder to reveal the entrance. Here, Link can find Iza, who will allow Link to canoe down the river and play a mini-game simultaneously. When Link first visits the Gerudo desert, he can encounter a group of Shadow Beasts, along with an Imp Poe. Stealthfin Trout is one of several types of fish present in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This dungeon is considerably harder than the previous ones, and is arguably the toughest in the game, apart from Level 9. There is nothing much on this screen except for a cave, inside of which Link can collect the original Sword from the Old Man. An additional Digdogger also appears as the main boss. Gerudo desert is located in the southwestern part of Hyrule. The combination is: north, west, south, west. Level 9 of the second quest is located in the northwestern-most square on the map. When Link reaches the city, it is being terrorized by the dragon Argorok, which also possesses the last shard of the Mirror of Twilight that Link needs. Share. The five Ancient Sages appear and inform them of how Ganondorf was unable to be contained and escaped. In order to do so, he should head north from the Lost Hills four consecutive times, which will take him right to the dungeon. Located at the bottom of Lake Hylia, the Lakebed Temple is a holy place to the Zora race. Every ten floors, Link meets a Great Fairy, who releases fairies to each of the Spirit's Springs in Hyrule. Level 1 of the second quest is in the same location as it was in the first quest. A Premonition – Recovered memory #8 – Photo 5. The Snake is the first dungeon in The Legend of Zelda to feature a Mini-Boss, namely, Manhandla. The dungeon item is the Stepladder. Share. If compared to Lake Hylia in Ocarina of Time, the Lake is now much deeper compared to the terrain around it and it is twice as big. It is the lair of Ganon, and can only be entered once Link has fully restored the Triforce of Wisdom. When Link first enters the shop, the Oocca attempts to talk to him in its own language, then realizes Link has no idea what it's saying and speaks to him in Hylian. After Link rescues the Goron patriarch Darbus from the Goron Mines, Gorons begin to set up shop in the village. The dungeon items are the Raft and the Book of Magic. The main goal of the game is to land on the Isle of Riches, a multi-tiered island layered with treasure chests holding Rupees and a Piece of Heart. The dungeon items are the Magical Rod and the Magical Key. Zelda Dragon locations and farming: Where to find Farosh, Dinrall and Naydra to complete Shae Katha and Tutsuwa Nima in Breath of the Wild Farosh, Dinrall and Naydra dragon locations … For example, Eldin Province, which is officially in the northeast, is in the northwest in the Wii version. The central section of the mines is mainly pits of lava crossed by bridges and mining equipment, while the outer fringes often contain pools of cold water and magnetized walls. Shopping. It is here that Link discovers himself transformed into a wolf, and meets Midna. The Faron Spring is the smallest Spirit Spring. Category:The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening locations. Hyrule Castle is a large castle housing the Royal Family of Hyrule. Akkala Falls. 5 BIZARRE Locations in Zelda Breath of the Wild! These enemies are merely a distraction; they do not need to kill or interacted with at all to gain admittance to Ganon's lair. After jumping, Link can continue on up to the hot spring. It was a peaceful place until Zant overthrew Midna, the Twilight Princess, and claimed the throne as his. Bulblins occupy the courtyard, the cemetery is haunted, and sections of the interior are damaged. Like the Desert Province, no Light Spirit presides over its area. It is found to the northwest of the Starting Screen, and is easily the easiest dungeon of the game. This dungeon can be very confusing with many one-ways and hidden passages through walls. Many Twili populate the front courtyard of the Palace, but they are originally in cursed forms similar in appearance to Shadow Beasts. There is also a tunnel shortcut to Lake Hylia at the bottom. One of the most prominent features of Kakariko Village, yet also one of the most unused, the Elde Inn is the location of a few key plot advancements in the game. Zora's River is the river connecting Zora's Domain to Lake Hylia. Here Link is vulnerable to attack from many enemies found within the game. It is owned by Hena, who will allow Link to either fish alone, or with her as a guide. Hena runs the Fishing Hole, where Link can also rent a boat, but he can paddle around the fishing hole fishing. Location: Fort Hateno, Dueling Peaks This memory is initially not listed in the Sheikah Slate 's album, and requires you to find all of Zelda 's other memories first. Much of the Desert Province is blanketed by the massive Gerudo Desert. Here Link witnesses Yeta succumb to the power of the Mirror of Twilight shard and subsequently transform into the Twilit Ice Mass Blizzeta. To find the entrance, Link must use the Stepladder to stand on the river and bomb the wall at the correct spot. Ordon Spring is the home of the Light Spirit Ordona, and one of four Spirit's Springs in Hyrule. The missing section of the Bridge of Eldin is also found here, concealing the entrance to the Cave of Ordeals. After gaining the Camera Rune from Hateno Village, you’ll unlock 12 “Memories” — memories are all locations Zelda … Many of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's locations and landmarks are likely inspired by real-life places around the world, making the areas look familiar. This item is required to enter the next dungeon. It sells several goods to Link such as arrows, Wooden Shields, and Red Potions. All of the humans and animals have turned into spirits, and Link cannot interact with them. Found in Gerudo Desert, the Cave of Ordeals is a large cave is made up of fifty rooms, most of which house a group of enemies. After you meet Hestu in his first and second location, his third and final location will be at the Korok Forest within the Great Hyrule Forest. Trending pages. The Sacred Grove is located across a gorge next to the Forest Temple. Lantern Caverns are optional mini-dungeons hidden around Hyrule. It is required to complete most of the later dungeons. Tap to unmute. Link is able to enter the Lakebed Temple after he obtains the Zora Armor, which allows him to breathe underwater. The Eldin Province is located to the east of Hyrule Field, and is presided over by the Light Spirit Eldin. By Laura Gray Published Dec 27, 2020. Category:The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords locations. It is slightly more difficult than The Eagle, but is rather simple compared to later dungeons. When translated from Hylian, the maps of Hyrule calls this region the "Great Desert". The Vast Korok Forest. Some shops are hidden and others are caves already exposed. The name of the village in the French version, "Toal", is based on "Toaru". Resting in the second basement of the dungeon is a lone sword tied down by a number of ropes. Lost Woods. This store sells items at half the cost of other stores in Hyrule, and has a bright and cheery attitude. It is the largest province of Hyrule. Atop Snowpeak Mountain is Yeto, one of two Yetis inhabiting the mountain. Share. Most rooms are covered in ice, due to the icy locale on the cliff of a high mountain and the ruined state of the building (some ceilings are collapsed). There Link will come across a stone with the sign of the Zora people on it. At the bottom of the lake, the Lakebed Temple can be found. The missing piece of the bridge is found at the entrance of The Cave of Ordeals on the Gerudo Mesa. The boss is a blue Gohma. The sages of the Hylian Royal Family originally dwelt here, protecting the Mirror of Twilight. Certain color targets are worth different amount of points, but hitting obstacles subtracts points. The Bridge of Eldin is also featured as a playable stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Rutela will disappear into it and it will shine blue and fade away, revealing a hidden part of the graveyard with a pool of water in it. Recommended Articles . It is found directly outside Ordon Village, next to the Ordon Woods. However, the oil in a lantern usually cannot last the entire length of the cavern, so Yellow Chus found inside must be used to refill the oil level. The Starting Screen is the first screen Link sees when they turn on the game. They own, between them, a giant cannon that can fire Link from Lake Hylia to higher ground around it, and also to the Gerudo Desert. Translations/Locations. Ganondorf then transforms into Dark Beast Ganon. A good friend of Link, Fado is the village's main herder, though Link is actually much better. From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia. This screen is infested with many Blue and Red Lynels. Impa was the founder of Kakariko Village in Ocarina of Time, so it is likely that she is the woman that Impaz is named after. Whenever Link encounters the twilight, he transforms into a wolf. The door to the observation deck can be found to the right of the cafe. It can be found by solving the puzzle of the Lost Hills, which is to go up five screens. The mini-boss of the Forest Temple is Ook the Baboon, who throws a boomerang at Link while jumping on the pillars located in his room. The cannon to the City in the Sky is located in the basement of the sanctuary. The final prize is a bottle of Great Fairy's Tears, along with the releasement of Great Fairies to each of the Spirit's Springs, which gives Link access to more Great Fairy Tears. Due to the internal structural damage, Link must use items such as the Spinner and the Double Clawshots to navigate past gaps in the floor. One part flows south and the other flows east and turns around to face west and flows under the Bridge of Eldin before meeting up with the other branch. Link's House, is, as its name implies, the house where Link lives. After crossing it and destroying a set of boulders on the other side, a section of the bridge is taken out, and three shadow beasts appear on the side of the boulders. He can get points by destroying targets on the way and if he scores more than twenty-five, the Zora assisting him will give him a Giant Bomb Bag. Although never seen in-game, the Underworld is talked of by the light spirits. Village, lit. The reward for defeating Aquamentus, and collectively the dungeon, is the first Triforce Shard. Agitha's Castle, despite the name, is an ordinary-looking building in the southern part of town. The overworld section of the game is a large place, which links all the areas together. It serves as the meeting place for the Resistance, a team of vigilantes determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious events taking place in Hyrule. Plumm will tell him that to win this game, he'd have to fly up Zora's River and pop ballons on the way. Link can get a variety of items here, including red and blue potions, arrows, and bombs. Inside this cave is Ganon's lair, which is also the final dungeon in The Legend of Zelda, Level 9: Death Mountain. From this point, Link and Midna begin a new quest in order to retrieve three missing mirror shards to repair the mirror. Very similar to Bombchus from earlier in the series, Bomblings run in a straight line and detonate when they hit an object or when they have run out of time. Speaking of which, the boss of The Lizard is known as Digdogger. Once he is defeated, Midna attempts to destroy him using the Fused Shadows. This page contains information on the main Locations and Regions of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The inside of the temple is dimly lit and has somewhat of a jungle atmosphere. Located in Gerudo Desert, Arbiter's Grounds includes an ancient arena housing the Mirror of Twilight. The room with the Magical Boomerang is blocked by a hungry Goriya, so Link needs to have Food with him. Hexa 1920 Shorter ENG. Its entrance is concealed by a bush, which must be burnt down using the Candle. Manhandla is guarding the third Triforce Shard, which can be collected once Manhandla has been defeated. Upon doing so, they find the Mirror of Twilight broken, with only a single shard remaining. The Peak Province is located in northwestern Hyrule. There is a shrine above the village – Ta’loh Naeg. Firstly, Link can find the Red Ring, which is an upgrade to his tunic that sustains more damage. By warping to the North Faron Woods, they discover the bridge and warp it back into place. Level 7: The Demon is the seventh dungeon in The Legend of Zelda. It contains Zora's River, which flows down from Zora's Domain, in the north, to Lake Hylia, where the shrine to the Light Spirit Lanayru is found. When he sleds down the mountain after Yeto, he encounters the Snowpeak Ruins. Also the tree that once stood on the island in the middle of the lake is now a massive stump, and the Lakeside Laboratory is Falbi's home. This is the deck in the Castle Town, above the Goron shop, which looks out over the Centeral Square. Level 4: The Snake is the fourth dungeon in The Legend of Zelda. In this video I show you a few locations where you can find free, powerful weapons in Zelda Breath of the Wild. There is one more game to be played though, if Link turns into a wolf and talks to Plumm, Iza's bird, at Lake Hylia. When Link first reaches it, the bridge across is gone. Sometime later in the game, Barnes creates a new type of bomb, the Water Bomb, which can be used underwater. Empty cells indicate there is no given name for the particular location in that language. Although there is a sign on each of the vats saying how much each cost, Link can choose how much to pay Trill and can get away with only paying one Rupee. BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets, Color Changing Tingle's Love Balloon Trip, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess locations, Link must visit the graveyard and Zora tomb once more when he goes in search of the monster from the Snowpeak mountains. Akkala. Ordon Village is Link's home town, and lies on the border of Ordon Woods. Trill sells Red Potion and Lantern Oil at his shop. When Link first visits the Eldin Province in twilight, the few survivors of Kakariko Village are all huddled in the Sanctuary to escape the grasp of the Shadow Beasts. Once you've found a way in, Memory 08 is located northwest of Princess Zelda's Study. Link can purchase a Bomb Bag from Barnes after beating the Goron Mines, and gain the ability to carry normal bombs. In order for Link to acquire the fifth Triforce Shard, he must travel through the Lost Hills to find the fifth dungeon, The Lizard. The following page is a list of the names of every named location appearing in Ocarina of Time in every release of the game. Link first enters the inn when he is defeating Shadow Insects, and finds several hidden inside the inn.