The United Nations issued a Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. United States presidential election of 1948 - United States presidential election of 1948 - The campaign: Dewey was widely tipped by pollsters to win the election easily. Maryland has posted the names and voting records of its electors on the web. U.S. presidential election of 1936, American presidential election held on November 3, 1936, in which Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt won reelection, defeating Republican Alf Landon. Aside from the presidential inauguration on January 20, the final step in the presidential election process is the counting, ascertainment, and declaration of the electoral votes in Congress. Dewey ran a low-risk campaign and largely avoided directly criticizing Truman. Nixon, himself, was almost dropped from the campaign. How many times has the Vice President been chosen by the U.S. Senate? On November 3, 1948, the morning after the 1948 presidential election, the Chicago Daily Tribune's headline read, "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN." Libertarian Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico, garnered 3.3 percent of the vote. What happened in 1948 Major News Stories include Porsche is founded, technology advances include Random Access Storage Device, Long Playing Record, Velcro and Transistor Radio, Apartheid begins in South Africa, NASCAR holds its first race for modified stock cars at Daytona Beach, West Berlin Soviet Blockade, NHS Created in UK, Israel is declared as an independent state, For the original method of electing the president and the vice president (elections of 1789, 1792, 1796, and 1800), see Article II, Section 1 , of the Constitution. The presidential election of 1948 is considered to be the greatest election upset in the history of the United States. This gave South Carolina an excuse to secede. The United States presidential election of 1948 is considered by most historians as the greatest election upset in American history. It is telling that polling for the next presidential election now begins the day after the previous one. George W. Bush lost the popular vote to former Vice President Al Gore in 2000 but won the electoral vote for U.S. president. Virtually every prediction (with or without public opinion polls) indicated that incumbent President Harry S. Truman would be defeated by … But two years later only 36.9% voted in the midterm election that put the House back in Republican hands. Gender: Women's voter turnout has surpassed men's in every presidential election since 1980. The 1948 United States presidential election was the 41st quadrennial presidential election. Includes all candidates, their parties, number of electoral and popular votes. John F. Kennedy was elected president in one of the closest elections in United States history. The year 1936 marked the end of the Great Depression, and economic issues such as unemployment and government … In 2008, for instance, 57.1% of the voting-age population cast ballots — the highest level in four decades — as Barack Obama became the first African American elected president. This was particularly true in 2004, when the state put George W. Bush over the top in a close 2 percent victory over John Kerry. One of the most famous failures of political polling occurred in the 1948 presidential election between Harry Truman (the democratic incumbent) and Thomas Dewey (the republican challenger). The results from election day, November 4, 1952, were convincingly Republican at the presidential level but less so for Capitol Hill. 1948. Election of 1948: Dewey Does (not) Defeat Truman. Roosevelt captured 523 electoral votes (to Landon’s 8), and he won every state except Maine and Vermont. The election of 1860 was pretty much two elections: one in the North and one in the south. Rather than destroying every trust, Roosevelt supported the creation of a Federal Trade Commission to keep a watchful eye on unfair business practices. It's how a reasonable person like Arthur Henning could have written, in 1948, Dewey and Warren won a sweeping victory in the presidential election yesterday. Soon became 7 seceding states (and later 11). His success in many urban and industrial states gave him a clear majority of 303 to 219 in the electoral vote. President Harry Truman holds up a premature copy of the Chicago Daily Tribune declaring his defeat to Thomas Dewey in the presidential election, St Louis, Missouri, November 1948… The version of the Cumulative Data File that is currently available pools data through the 2004 National Election Study to yield 47,438 cases. The presidential election of 1936 pitted Alfred Landon, the Republican governor of Kansas, against the incumbent President, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Most notably in recent history, Gov. There were also a couple of third party candidates. According to Time, the state rose to prominence in presidential politics starting in 1972, the year of the first presidential election after the contentious 1968 Democratic convention. Since 1920, in fact, only four third-party candidates—Robert La Follette in 1924, Strom Thurmond in 1948, George Wallace in 1968 and John Hospers in 1972—have been able to win even a … This website lists links to State websites relating to the presidential election. There are a few reasons why Dwight D. Eisenhower won the election of 1952. The Democrats had been in power for almost 16 years and the public seemed to be tiring of The New Deal and its abundant inefficiencies. Modern second term presidents successfully seeking reelection most often experience a participation decline. It was held on Tuesday, November 2, 1948. Once. From this perspective, the decline since 2008 is not alarming. There, Republicans managed to outscore the Democrats by just one vote in the U.S. Senate while gaining a 221-213 margin in the House of Representatives. That's what the Republicans, the polls, the newspapers, the political writers, and even many Democrats had expected. Presidential campaigns focus on these states since the election is decided by electoral votes chosen by the popular vote of each state and not by a direct national popular vote. 1912 Presidential Election Map — Wilson (the majority, shown dark green) trounces Taft (light green) and Teddy Roosevelt (brown). He left the job of leveling attacks to his Vice Presidential candidate Richard Nixon. Republican prospects for the 1948 presidential race appeared to be excellent. On November 5, 2008, Gallup reported that Sarah Palin led as a potential Republican candidate for the 2012 presidential election. Incumbent President Harry S. Truman, the Democratic nominee, defeated Republican Governor Thomas E. Dewey. It participated in its first presidential election in 1804. Note that the Cumulative Data File only includes data from the Time Series data collections (that is the Pre-/Post-Election Study in presidential election years and the Post-Election Study in midterm years). Socio-economic status: Wealthy Americans vote at much higher rates than those of lower socio-economic status. 48,833,680. Ohio has been a major battleground in recent elections due to the closeness of the vote and its wealth of electoral votes (currently 18). The first 7 met at Montgomery, Alabama in 1861 - created Confederate States of America. Indeed, the New York Times claimed that Dewey’s election was a “foregone conclusion,” and Life magazine had run a caption several months before the election declaring Dewey the “next president of the United States.” But on Nov. 2, 1948, Election Day, an overwhelming sense of inevitability hung about the Republican nominee. Commentary: There are strong parallels between the "Dewey defeats Truman" election of 1948 and the contest between Trump and Biden. Eisenhower took the high road in the campaign. Election Notes: In California, the direct election of the thirteen presidential electors combined with the closeness of the race resulted in a split between the Democratic and Progressive electors: eleven for Roosevelt and two for Wilson. The pressure began after he was accused of maintaining an $18,000 slush fund. For Obama’s re-election in 2012, turnout rebounded to 53.7%. Kennedy's popular vote margin over Nixon was 118,550 out of a total of nearly 69 million votes cast. Choose the statement that best explains why George Wallace was successful in the South in the 1968 presidential election. Lincoln won. The 1948 Presidential Election Polls Description. Election results for every election, from 1789 to the present. The 2012 election is placed in recent historical perspective in the graph below, which plots from 1948 to 2012 presidential turnout rates for those eligible to vote. The elector whom received the most votes was an elector for Roosevelt. There has also been a significant evolution in the nature of election polling. In the 2016 election, 63.3% of eligible women voters cast a ballot, compared to only 59.3% of eligible male voters. The Republicans accused the Democrats of "K1C2"– Korea, Communism, and Corruption. In the last presidential election, a whopping 32 candidates vied for the presidency, with the least competitive of them receiving just 332 votes nationwide. South Carolina met at Charleston and decided to secede. 1. In the Presidential election of 1836, the election for Vice President was decided in the Senate. The Korean War had bogged down after the first nine months of fighting. The results of the 1948 presidential election demonstrated that the country was not ready to give up any of Truman's fair deal proposals. The polls and the pundits left no room for doubt: Dewey was going to … Number of votes cast in presidential elections is published by the U.S. House of Representatives, Office of the Clerk, Statistics of the Presidential and Congressional Election for various years starting with 1920. One reason dealt with the Korean War.