With the 1st I didn't gain any weight or show until almost 7 months along. My belly is much bigger at night when I am bloated but it still sticks out a bit during the day when I'm not. 7 weeks pregnant with second baby and already showing!?!?! Femara 5mg + IUI #2 - BFP #5! With the 2nd I started showing about 4 1/2-5 months. When do pregnant women start to show? I'm only 12 weeks - on my way to 13. Compared to the time when you start showing in your first pregnancy (which is around the 12 th to 16 th week), some studies have also found women showing with their second pregnancy from as soon as their 6 th to 7 th week of pregnancy. Some people start showing in the first or second trimester. I'm on my second pregnancy. im not sure how im going to manage the next 26weeks lol x hi, im on my 2nd pregnancy i was big at 7 weeks and looked like i already had a fully formed bump and was asking if im pregnant lol im now 14weeks and am huge. You might feel kicks and Braxton Hicks contractions earlier. There are a number of other factors that increase the chances of getting pregnant with twins, including in vitro fertilization. It's common for veteran moms to feel kicks a few weeks earlier than they did during their first pregnancy, possibly because they're familiar with the sensation. You can anticipate – and help prevent – some symptoms C/P 4w4d Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. At 7 weeks it does sound a bit like bloating only because you feel like its soo big (although we tend to think we're bigger than we really are). People who've had more than one usually show a lot faster. If someone is pregnant with twins, their odds of carrying multiples in the future goes up. Dec 10, 2015: Cycle 15. "Your second pregnancy may be completely different from your first," says Shelly Holmstrom, M.D., associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of … Add message | Report | See all. : Hi all - as the title says I am only just 7 weeks pregnant with my second baby (third pregnancy due to MC in July) and I am already starting to show! Im now in maternity clothes as nothing fits anymore. No, don’t confuse that partially swollen 7 weeks pregnant belly for a baby bump! 4. This is my second pregnancy and I started showing around 8 weeks, definitely looked pregnant at 10 weeks! My kids are also only 17 months apart (1st baby was 10 months old when I was pregnant again). You may also notice Braxton Hicks contractions a bit earlier the second time around, for the same reason.. 5. You may experience bloating before or during the seventh week of pregnancy. Overall I gained 2 pounds less the 2nd time around. Mixing solids and liquids can often make the stomach feel fuller and, in some pregnant women, can cause gas, bloating, and … So, that baby belly may appear to pop out sooner. Many women start showing a little earlier because their tummy muscles were stretched during the first pregnancy, and these muscles might not have recovered their former strength. But you may start to show early too. The more babies you have the faster you'll show. At 8 weeks I was very bloated and DH and I both thought I was showing. Is it actually possible to be showing a little at 7 weeks or am I just bloated ?? When you start showing during a second pregnancy may be different from what you remember from your first pregnancy. seaweedhead Fri 21-Oct-11 06:42:02.