With respect to its etymology there are different opinions among expositors. Psalms are usually identified by a sequence number, often preceded by the abbreviation "Ps." Psalm 30:5 For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Explanation and Commentary of Psalm 30:5. Acts 2:24) renders it (constrictive pains) ; but Psalm 18:6 favours the meaning bands, cords, cf. Of David the servant of the Lord. Psalm 91: The Christian Emergency Psalm PSALM 91 is one of trust and confidence in God. Psalm 20 Meaning Verse 1. Instead of "the bands of death," the lxx (cf. prevented = were beforehand with, or confronted. Ecclesiastes 9:12 Psalm 119:61 (where it is likewise instead of the , which one might have expected, Joshua 17:5; Job 36:8), death is therefore represented as a hunter with a cord and net, Psalm 91:3. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, BakerEvangelicalDictionaryofBiblicalTheology, InternationalStandardBibleEncyclopedia, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. If Yahweh i Yahweh is praised, and His people are encouraged, exhorted to praise Him. The idea here is that those snares had, as it were, suddenly rushed upon him, or seized him. I don't know about you, but sometimes I use these terms interchangeably. Decoding Psalm West: The Meaning Behind Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Baby Boy's Name Details on the moniker the E! Watch our overview video on the book of Psalms, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. Study Psalm 10 using Matthew Henrys Bible Commentary (concise) to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. 2 Corinthians 6:15, equals as a name of Satan and his kingdom). Psalm 18#In Hebrew texts 18:1-50 is numbered 18:2-51.For the director of music. Psalm 18 Royal Thanksgiving for Victory. This is very similarperhaps an updated versionof David's song of praise recorded in 2 Samuel chapter 22. In the following verse he again repeats, that the corruptions or cords of the grave had compassed him about As the Hebrew word is the same which he had employed in the preceding verse, I have thought it proper to translate it cords here, as I have done there, not only because he uses a verb which signifies to beset, to inclose, or to surround, but also because he adds immediately after, the snares of death, which, in my opinion, is to be understood in the same sense. snares. 2. He sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand o Yet there is no reason why we should suppose that the Septuagint read differently, or that the Jews have corrupted their copies, as t hey could derive no advantage from so doing (Berthier) here, unless it were to discredit the apostle; as infidels assert the truth of the Old Testament, to vilify the new. But, its comforting elements shouldnt be limited to a Psalms 18:5 Context. Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (NBV) 125. He sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. Jesus began the Sermon on the Mount with the words, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment Neither in temporal judgment, when God comes forth in a way of wrath and sore displeasure; for who can stand before him when he is angry? A Psalm of David, n when he fled from Absalom his son. With the denial of Gods existence often comes the moral decay. 1. He calls them the torrents of Belial, because it was wicked and perverse men who had conspired against him. to silence enemy and avenger. Psalm definition is - a sacred song or poem used in worship; especially : one of the biblical hymns collected in the Book of Psalms. b. But the sense of the Vulgate is preferable, and is adopted by Symmachus, St. Jerome, and the Syriac. The psalms have also had a profound effect on the development of Christian worship. There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it. Before Jahve's face he made supplication and his prayer urged its way into His ears. in the sense of imperfects alternate with praett. 2 Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.. 3 My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. n/a. Light symbolizes life, goodness, and truth in Hebrew culture. Everyone lies to their neighbor; they flatter with their lips but harbor deception in their hearts. Psalm 18: 1&2 I will love thee, O LORD, my strength. 1 The a earth is the b Lord s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. "Sheol," (See Scofield "Habakkuk 2:5"). A Psalm of David, f the servant of the L ord, g who addressed the words of this h song to the L ord on the day when the L ord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. "I will love thee, O LORD, my strength." Spr. Prevented me - The word used here in Hebrew, as our word "prevent" did originally, means to "anticipate, to go before." Of David the servant of the Lord. The poet seems to feel the cords already tightening on his limbe. NBV 1 bijbel. Job 18:56 and 21:17 allude to the death of the wicked as God putting out their lamps. Without can not be used by it self, meaning that it has to be minimum one more condition included (all/at least one,etc) all: "fish", without: "bread", will search for verses that contains "fish" but NOT "bread" start: He sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand o Formatting issue in the NIV '84 edition has been resolved. Of David the servant of the LORD. The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me. Psalm 18 1 Psalm 18 For the director of music. Ps 72:14. De HEER zal u steeds gadeslaan, Opdat Hij in gevaar, Uw ziel voor ramp bewaar'; De HEER, 't zij g' in of uit moogt gaan, En waar g' u heen moogt spoeden, Zal eeuwig u behoeden. Wie op de HEER vertrouwt is als de Sionsberg, die onwankelbaar vast staat voor eeuwig. Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew Scripture. 5a. Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Explanation and Commentary of Psalm 34:18. The whole Psalm is an invitation unto praising of God. In restoring it out of a sad and broken condition (Ps 147:2-3). Love: This is not the normal word for love that often bears Spurgeon - They also do no iniquity. He is not dead yet, but like to them who go down to shel. (s) "funes sepulchri", Musculus, Gejerus. He said: 1 I love you, O LORD, my strength. Psalms chapter 5 KJV (King James Version) 1 (To the chief Musician upon Nehiloth, A Psalm of David.) What follows concerning torrents implies that he had been almost overwhelmed by the violence and impetuosity of his enemies against him, even as a man who is covered over the head with floods of water is almost lost. Gerelateerde info . (Berthier). Psalms 18 18 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, the servant of the Lord, who spake unto the Lord the words of this song in the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul: And he said, snares. Van David, de dienaar van de HEER.Hij sprak de woorden van dit lied tot de HEER toen de HEER hem aan de greep van zijn vijanden had ontrukt, ook aan die van Saul. , , . Psalms, book of the Old Testament composed of sacred songs, or of sacred poems meant to be sung. For example, the cynical H. L. Mencken said, Puritanism is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy (cited by Leland Ryken, Worldly Saints [Academie/Zondervan], p. 1). Psa 18:1-19 The title gives us the occasion of penning this psalm; we had it before ( 2 Sa. 1 God a standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods. Blessed indeed would those men be of whom this could be asserted without reserve and without explanation: we shall have reached the region of pure blessedness when we altogether cease from sin. This verse has one verbal difference from Samuel. Psalm 18#sn Psalm 18. The snares of death - The word "snares" refers to the gins, toils, nets, which are used in taking wild beasts, by suddenly throwing cords around them, and binding them fast. star and the Grammy winner chose for their bundle of joy "Deadly snares invaded me, and came on me unawares; so that I had no power or opportunity to prevent them." And I The sorrows] Or, throes, or cords, such as wherewith they bind malefactors led forth to execution. Psalm 23 is the best known and most popular of all the psalms. Preventedi.e., suddenly seized upon. (5) Hell.Heb., shel. Psalm 18:5 Translation & Meaning. 32:10 Zoals de bergen Jeruzalem omringen, Psalm 24. But as the metaphor taken from cords or snares agrees better with the verb compass about, the import of which is, that David was on all sides involved and entangled in the perils of death, I am disposed rather to adopt this interpretation. The cords of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me. yakash = noose, or snare. No crisis or enemy is in view; this is pure praise. 10:25 Een pelgrimslied. Psalm 34 is classified as an Individual Hymn of Thanksgiving. The out of which Jahve hears is His heavenly dwelling-place, which is both palace and temple, inasmuch as He sits enthroned there, being worshipped by blessed spirits. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. The more generally received opinion is, that it is compounded of these two words, , beli, not, and , yal, (398) to denote that the wicked do not rise, in other words, ultimately gain nothing, and obtain no advantage by their infatuated course. Psalmen 126 Psalmen 126. 5. The verb according to a tradition not to be doubted (cf. A Psalm of Asaph. Verse 5. (See Note on Psalms 6:5.). Psalms 18:5 The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me. 22:1-51 Voor de koorleider. The LORD Is My Rock and My Fortress - To the choirmaster. This psalm could be dedicated to the atheist. The LORD [is] my rock, and my fortress, and He does not mean he was in their power. ing, psalms To sing of or celebrate in psalms. bgt) signifies to come suddenly upon any one (but compare also Arab. If you would like to support this work, the publication is available in paperback or Kindle e-book (includes translation summaries and footnotes), on Amazon now. When can I enter and see the face of God? How to use psalm in a sentence. Psalm 119:3 They also do no unrighteousness; They walk in His ways. Fifteen individual Hymns of Thanksgiving occur in the book of Psalms. March 17, 2014 Tom Lowe Psalm 14 Title: The Depravity of Man. iii. The Hebrew word Belial has a wide signification. Those that truly love God, may triumph in him as their Rock and Refuge, and may with confidence call upon him. Psalm 12 - For the director of music. 2 O LORD, our Lord,. He sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He is not dead yet, but like to them who go down to shel. By the cords and toils of hell, he means, such as would have sent him into the state of the dead, if he had been taken by them. The description begins in Psalm 18:5 with the danger and the cry for help which is not in vain. We shall now make a few observations with respect to the words. I. On the meaning of the figure used here, see the notes at Psalm 18:5. 18 1 18:1-51 2 Sam. (Abenezra) --- The greatest exactitude has been observed in forming the world, as if all had been measured by an architect. Psalm 121 vers 4. So, St. Paul reads this text, though the Hebrew have, "line." The snares of death prevented me] David knew how to make the most of a mercy; he means, I was almost surprised, and all hope of help seemed to be anticipated; if help should come, it would some too late. Psalm 23 is a well-known and oft quoted Psalm most often associated with death. Help, LORD, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race. Psalms 18:35 states that not only has God taught David the skills and abilities to wage war, as in the previous verses, but that God has saved him, upheld him, and made him great. (Genebrard.) TG Citizenship. Numbering of the Psalms differsmostly by one, see tablebetween the Hebrew and Greek (Septuagint) manuscripts.Protestant translations (Lutheran, Anglican, Calvinist) use the Hebrew numbering, but other Christian traditions vary: . 3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do a justice to the afflicted and needy. A Psalm of David. It is a place set apart for His honor, and involves special recognition of His presence. 5 21:5 1 Kon. Psalm 86 is classified by most scholars as a psalm of individual lament, in which an individual expresses the pain of his present condition and seeks relief from God. The l might easily be lost, (Haydock) or omitted by a poetical licence. King David has been brought back from the brink of despair by God who has rescued him. Psalm 14 (NKJV) 1 The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." Before examining the meaning of this mighty psalm, we invite you to a reflective reading of the sacred words. (399) If, however, any prefer translating the phrase, by deadly torrents, I am not disposed to oppose this rendering. In Wis 3:56, God accepts the death of the righteous as a sacrificial burnt offering. This phrase day of trouble or day of distress appears over a dozen times in the Old Testament. Opties . The English word "prevent" has changed its meaning in some measure since our authorised translation of the Bible was made. The idea here is that his enemies came before him, or intercepted his way. 1 Voor den opperzangmeester, een psalm van David, de knecht des HEEREN, die de woorden dezes lieds tot den HEERE gesproken heeft, ten dage, als hem de HEERE gered had uit de hand van al zijn vijanden, en uit de hand van Saul.. 2 Hij zeide dan: Ik zal U hartelijk liefhebben, HEERE, mijn Sterkte!. Variety One of the salient features of Davids prayers as demonstrated primarily in the Psalms is the variety of types and foci of prayer. Psalms 35 recall David's prayer for deliverance from his foes and his trust in the Lord to deliver him from them. Fear ()() is a verb meaning to fear, to be afraid (Ge 3:10-note), to respect, to reverence, to be terrified, to be awesome, to be feared, to make afraid, to frighten.The most common translations are to be afraid, to fear, to fear God. Psalms 18:4 The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. As David had been reduced to a condition so desperate that no hope of relief or deliverance from it was apparent, it is certain that he was delivered by the hand of God, and that it was not a thing effected by the power of man. I will sing of your majesty above the heavens. It is almost identical to 2 Samuel 22, although verse 1 of the psalm, I love you, O LORD, my strength, is not included in the 2 Samuel version. 4 U nadert hem met rijke zegen en plaatst op zijn hoofd een gouden kroon. Futt. en a. Ps 18:5; Jon 2:3. b. Ex 34:6. c. Ps 13:6. d. 1 For the leader. Of hell; or, of the grave, which brought me to the brink of the grave. Psalm 18#In Hebrew texts 18:1-50 is numbered 18:2-51.For the director of music. For he adds, The snares of death prevented me; i.e. Ver. Rivers of destruction are those, whose engulfing floods lead down to the abyss of destruction (Jonah 2:7). (Boice) We can then see many pictures of Jesus and His work in this Psalm: - Psalm 18:1-6 suggests His death (the pangs of death encompassed me the sorrows of David opened up his heart to the Lord, and his urgent prayer for help and deliverance poured forth unabated. 3 My soul thirsts for God, the living God.. PSALM 8 * Divine Majesty and Human Dignity. Danklied na de overwinning. De HEER is mijn herder, het ontbreekt mij aan niets. In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. 2 As the deer longs for streams of water, a. so my soul longs for you, O God. preventedencountered me, crossed my path, and endangered my safety. [Middle English, from Old English, from Latin psalmus, from Greek psalmos, from psallein, to play the harp; see pl- in Indo-European roots.] Many people know this psalm by heart. 1Jn 3:9 5:18 ; They also do no unrighteousness. Psalm 18:18 "They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay." 3 O L ord, o how many are my foes! To understand this passage we need to look first at Matthew 18:1-4 which says, At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them. However, I personally feel this is a fallacy. en voert mij naar vredig water, 3 hij geeft mij nieuwe kracht 23:3 hij geeft mij nieuwe kracht Ook mogelijk is de vertaling: hij brengt mij behouden terug. The Jews certainly employed this word to designate every kind of detestable wickedness, and from this it is highly probable that David by it meant to describe his enemies, who basely and wickedly plotted his destruction. Psalm 23 2 Meaning: Psalm 23:1 establishes the theme of the psalm which is Gods Pastoral Provisions. He wrote this psalm when Saul's hatred of him began to be openly displayed, and the bitter-hearted king sought out ways to murder David - who had to flee the country to save his life. Psalms 18:5 The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me. In them, psalm singers give thanks to God for deliverance from various life-threatening situations: illness, enemies, and dangers. Heb. 125:2 . 2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. Psalm 18 is the 18th psalm of the Book of Psalms.In the Greek Septuagint version of the bible, and in its Latin translation in the Vulgate, this psalm is Psalm 17 in a slightly different numbering system. To the chief musician, A psalm of David, the servant of the LORD, who spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies. They anticipated me, or went before me (see the note at Psalm 18:5). From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. Psalm 23 Meaning. That is, he can prevent its coming upon you; or, he can save you from its ravages, while others are dying around you. what are chaff and stubble, thorns and briers, to consuming fire? This beautiful little volume reminds me of the closeness and intimacy we experience with God through Psalm This verse has one verbal difference from Samuel. Yes, it is a comforting Psalm, so I guess I can see why it's recited at graveside services. Arguments therein are drawn, First, from God's general goodness to the world (Ps 147:4,8-9,16-18): Secondly, from his special mercy to his Church. Hebrew. 3:14 Leven heeft hij gevraagd, u hebt het hem gegeven, lengte van dagen, voor eeuwig en altijd. PSALM 42 * Longing for Gods Presence in the Temple. Voor de koorleider. In Psalm 27:1 David testified: "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Home; Psalm 23 for Kids; The 7 Identities of God in Psalm 23; Next Bible Verse Key; 23rd Psalm 40+ Versions FREE; About; Contact Us; Introduction to Psalm 23. The idea here is, that "Death" had thus thrown around him its toils or snares, and had bound him fast. 1 For the leader; upon the gittith. * A psalm of David. 18. The Hebrew word , chebley, means cords or sorrows, or any deadly evil, (395) which consumes a mans health and strength, and which tends to his destruction. , compounded of and (from , , root ), signifies unprofitableness, worthlessness, and in fact both deep-rooted moral corruption and also abysmal destruction (cf. In Psalm 20:1, the people ask God to hear or answer their king in the day of trouble. 3 with the mouths of babes a and infants.. You have established a bulwark * against your foes,. He said: 18 I love you, O L ord, my strength. a wheel) signifies to go round, surround, as a poetical synonym of , , , and not, as one might after the Arabic have thought: to drive, urge. Psalm 88:3-8,15-17 For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave Acts 2:24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. ( equals Arab. Preventedi.e., suddenly seized upon. (t) "praeoccupaverunt me", V. L. "anteverterunt me", Vatablus; "occurrerunt", Cocceius. The sorrows of hell, &c. The nets of Hades, &c. Chandler; with whom Houbigant and Mudge agree; for, by this rendering, the clauses again in this verse properly correspond. He said: I love you, O LORD, my strength. The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry. In this long song of thanks, the psalmist (a Davidic king, traditionally understood as David himself) affirms that God is his faithful protector. There are psalms that are petitions, complaints, laments, spiritual warfare, prophetic declarations, litanies Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. Prevented me; had almost taken hold of me, ere I was aware of my danger. The sorrows of hell - Margin, cords. The word used here is the same which occurs in the previous verse, and which is there rendered sorrows. It is correctly translated here, as in that verse, sorrows, though the parallelism would seem to favor the interpretation in the margin - cords. Selah. 2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the a persons of the wicked? This psalm blesses us with the promise that our lives have meaning and partake of the majesty of God. In leisure men should not talk of sin but they should take comfort in the psalms and songs. The Meaning Behind Psalm's Name: 'It's a Good Reflection of Where Kim & Kanye Are Spiritually' this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. This, then, is the description of the dangerous circumstances into which he was brought, and it enhances and magnifies so much the more the glory of his deliverance. One of Satans most insidious lies is that the Christian life is void of pleasure, whereas pursuing sin brings real satisfaction. In verse 6a, the obvious meaning presents the same emphatic contrast as the other two usages; therefore, the negligence of using the term is suggestive that other points in this Psalm would make similar usage of implied terms though neglecting the specific use of the words. Kolam, "their voice," occurs in the preceding verse. Commentary on Psalm 18:1-19 (Read Psalm 18:1-19) The first words, "I will love thee, O Lord, my strength," are the scope and contents of the psalm. The psalm is loved by Jews and Christians alike, speaking as it does of Gods protection and care. * Dear in the eyes of the L ORD: the meaning is that the death of Gods faithful is grievous to God, not that God is pleased with the death, cf. To sum up the entire Psalm 23 meaning: God is good. Kum (Haydock) may signify a "line," (Berthier) or "writing." The same thought continues into Psalms 18:36, revealing that God has enlarged his steps and prevented him from falling. Een psalm van David. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. See Psalms 18:18 and Chandler. The verb according to a tradition not to be doubted (cf. Always. A Psalm of David. Deut. Prov. 2 Hij laat mij rusten in groene weiden. Additional Resources: Another interpretation of Psalm 23 can be found here, Praying the 23rd Psalm. Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. According to sheminith. Psalms 1:5. A maskil of the Korahites.. What does this verse really mean? 3a. "At this point we are encouraged to look back over the entire psalm for messianic meanings." 2. The poet seems to feel the cords already tightening on his limbe. They were in his path, ready to destroy him. The word snares, signifies such traps or gins as are laid for birds and wild beasts. ? A psalm of David. (Menochius) --- Their, refers to the heavens representing the apostles, as St. Paul explains this text, to prove that all were inexcusable who would not believe the gospel. In the Hebrew Bible, Psalms begins the third and last section of the biblical canon, known as the Writings. psalm definition: 1. a holy poem or song, especially one of the 150 collected together in the Bible 2. a holy poem or. * b 4 My tears have been my bread day and night, c. as they ask me every day, Where is your God? d 5 Those times I recall a wheel) signifies to go round, surround, as a poetical synonym of , , , and not, as one might after the Arabic have thought: to drive, urge. The Biblical Illustrator. Leupold called attention to the fact that this should have been translated, Psalm 18:119 expresses David's love for the Lord and his praise to God for delivering him from his enemies. belongs to : my cry which is poured forth before Him (as e.g., in Psalm 102:1), for it is tautological if joined with beside . A Psalm of David, the servant of the LORD, who addressed the words of this song to the LORD on the day when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. That the psalm may correspond with the song recorded in 2nd Samuel, formerly referred to, I do not disapprove of this word being here taken for contrition, because the phrase there employed is ,mishberey maveth, (396) and the noun , mishberey, is derived from a verb which signifies to break. 125 1. Read below: 1 The king rejoices in your strength, bt, to startle, excitare, to alarm), and , to rush upon; the two words are distinguished from one another like berfallen and anfallen. And now through the rest of this psalm David leads us through several areas of life where this rings true where Gods Pastoral Provisions appear in the life of a believer. Praise the LORD: This last of the five ending psalms shares the same beginning and ending line as the previous four. 125:1 . On one had yare conveys the sense of threat to one's life, but on the other it can express the idea of reverence and deep respect (as in Ps 25:14). The original Hebrew title for the book is Tehillim, which means 18:5. Praise the LORD! And in several of those instances, its speaking of the invasion of a foreign army. Een psalm van David. Many are p rising against me; 2 many are saying of my soul, q There is no salvation for him in God. Selah 1. David testifies, The earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof, he who has clean hands and a pure heart will ascend unto the hill of the Lord, and the Lord of Hosts is the King of Glory. how awesome is your name through all the earth! 2 Hij zei: Ik heb u lief, HEER, mijn sterkte, 3 18:3 Deut. Whole Psalm. Theme: The universal corruption of the human race. 3 But you, O L ord, are r a shield s about me, my glory, and t the lifter of my head. Learn more. Praise God in His sanctuary: The sanctuary of God is a most fitting place for His praise. The snares of death prevented me. a. And from the noisome pestilence - The "fatal" pestilence; the pestilence that spreads death in its march. And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. To the Chief Musician. Why Jerome has rendered it without yoke, (397) I know not. Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! They came before him in his goings, and bound him fast. Psalms 18:5. Marginal note, "their rule or direction." Sound. Psalms 18:6 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears. The description begins in Psalm 18:5 with the danger and the cry for help which is not in vain.